Sanchez leads Democrats in House Homeland Security 9/11 Hearing in NYC



Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-46), and a candidate for US Senate, was the lead Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee at a hearing in New York City at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.  The hearing, “Beyond Bin Laden’s Caves and Couriers to a New Generation of Terrorists: Confronting the Challenges in a Post-9/11 World.

“Having this hearing at the 9/11 Memorial Museum is humbling and shows how far we have come from that terrible and sad day,” said Congresswoman Sanchez. “This city, 14 years later, has emerged from this tragedy stronger and united. The enduring spirit of the people of New York reflects the best of our country.”

“Since 9/11, we have changed policing and changed the way we engage our communities to prevent terrorist attacks. Law enforcement has become a community facilitator, engaging with all facets of the cities they patrol. They do it at a time when federal funds for local law enforcement are shrinking because we cannot get our fiscal house in order.”

“Beyond dealing with budget cuts, post-9/11 policing means engaging in the community and gaining their trust. I am very sensitive to the fact that I represent one of the largest Arab-American communities in the United States. It is critical that we do not profile, that we do not unduly harass and that we do not detain individuals because of how they look or their religion.”

“We have come a long way since 9/11 and we have a ways to go, but America and especially New York has shown that we are resilient, we are strong, and we can heal,” Sanchez concluded.

The purpose of the hearing was to examine the lessons learned from the September 11th attacks, and assess the impact of the enhanced coordination between the federal government, New York State, and New York City since the September 11th attacks.  Members had the opportunity to examine the impact of federal grant funding to the New York City first responder community and to hear from the first responder community about the necessity of continued funding of first responder grant programs.

Witnesses included the following:

Panel 1:

  • The Honorable Rudy Giuliani, Former Mayor, New York City


Panel 2:

  • Mr. William J. Bratton, Commissioner, New York City Police Department, New York, New York
  • Mr. Daniel Nigro, Commissioner, New York City Fire Department, New York, New York
  • Mr. Lee A. Ielipi, President, 9/11 Families Association