Here’s her speech:
Official Announcement of Senate Candidacy
Intro: Thank you all for being here.
I especially want to thank my family for joining me here today. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am deeply proud of my parents, who immigrated to this country in the 1950s from Mexico with little education or money. They worked hard, learned English, went to school, raised and educated 7 children. My father suffers from advanced Alzheimer’s disease, but I am joined here today by my mother, Maria—the only mother in U.S. history to send two daughters to the US Congress.
I am also joined here today by Jack, my husband, a retired US Army colonel, who served our country 21 years on active duty as a military intelligence officer, JAG, paratrooper, prosecutor. Today he is an OC businessman and practicing attorney.
I also want to thank other members of my family and so many friends for being here today.
Finally, I want to thank the people of Orange County for what they do every day to make this such a wonderful place to live and for giving me the honor and privilege of representing them for the past 19 years in Congress. Everyone knows I am a proud SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GIRL.
The announcement: I am here today to announce that I am a candidate for the United States Senate.
I am running for the Senate because I am passionate about California and I believe we need a strong and experienced legislator in the Senate who is ready to hit the ground running. We need a senator who cares deeply about working people and is ready to fight for our future. My family has lived the American dream, and I am dedicated to creating those same opportunities for all, regardless of race or national origin. I want all Californians to believe that and they have a place at the California table.
I am running for the US Senate to give a voice to all Californians of every background and walk of life—Veterans, farm workers, factory workers, construction workers, school teachers, police, firemen, dock workers, restaurant workers, mechanics, transportation and service workers, business people, lawyers, doctors, nurses, innovators and everyone who makes California run every day. I truly believe that together we can create a renaissance of the American dream and return it to The Golden State, which has always been a beacon of hope, progress and the promise of America.
I am running for the Senate because Representing California in Congress for 19 years has given me a deep understanding of the issues California faces today from San Diego to Eureka. We face a host of historic challenges–drought, terrorist threats, a broken immigration policy, and budget deficits; and we must work to strengthen our schools, foster innovation, protect our environment and grow our economy. I have been a constant advocate for California in Congress and I have worked with my colleagues from both parties in Sacramento and Washington to set a progressive agenda for the Golden State.
I am running for the Senate because I believe in fighting for what’s right and what’s in your heart. That’s why I voted against the Iraq war, when everyone else was beating the war drums. My sole ambition is to do what is right for the people of California—that’s what I have dedicated my life to.
I am running for the Senate because I have the national security, military and foreign policy experience to guide our nation in these perilous times. I have worked 19 years on these critical issues in the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees. During these past 14 years of war and conflict, I have gone countless times to Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and other conflict zones to ensure our troops had what they need to survive and win, to see first-hand if our policies make sense, and to confer with our generals, captains and sergeants about ongoing operations. As the most senior woman in Congress today on military and national security issues, I know what needs to be done to ensure our nation is secure and our troops are equipped and ready.
I am running for the Senate because over the years, I have encouraged so many people to run for office, to vote and to make a difference—especially women, young people and minorities. Many have answered the call. And now, those same people are calling on me to run. If elected, I would be the first Latina ever elected to the US Senate and the first Hispanic-American ever elected to the Senate from California. I do want my candidacy to inspire women, minorities, and young people, and I want to inspire everyone who still believes in the American dream and still believes that leaders can make a difference. You see, here in California, insiders don’t pick our leaders. The voters elect our leaders. I intend to campaign up and down this great State, in every community, and I will answer tough questions and make my positions clear. That’s how Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein did it, and that’s how I will do it.
So, in conclusion, I am running for the Senate because I know how to get things done. I am asking for your support, your ideas, your energy and your hard work to help create a great future for our Great State. I want to put all of my experience as a businesswoman and Congresswoman to work for you. There are two kinds of candidates: those who want to BE something and those who want to DO something. I am running for Senate because I’m a DOER. I have served California for 19 years in the House and, if elected, I will be a relentless force in the Senate fighting for you, for our children and grandchildren, and for California.
Photo credit: Mike Tardif, Santa Ana. Thanks Mike.
Why no video? Were you unable to be there? Yeah, me and Junior didn’t see you…
By the way you should give him photo credit.
Your video has only 8 views on YouTube as of 6pm. I wouldn’t make comments about blogs people read. Let me guess: you, Diamond, Zenger, Toro, Cantor, Ward, Paul Lucas and the Winships watched.
Vern — some of us have jobs and businesses to run. The speech was posted 12 minutes after the embargo was lifted.
I didn’t need to be there to smoke you on this story Vern; or Lou’s announcement. Have a great day
Vern – I told you Dan offered to take me to lunch – don’t be a dick.
Republicans: – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for U.S. Senates in the June 2016 Primary is clearly the choice over Kamala Harris. The Republican victor in the June Primary is not going to win in November; so why throw your Primary vote away? The Congresswoman did not vote for the Iraq war, and she is against “fast-track” and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Most congressional Republicans are for the TPP; the “Partnership” means, first, economic integration – then political integration, similar to the European Union; – It’s tantamount to treason.
Republicans: – re-register “No Party Preference.”