Irvine council member Beth Krom offered a stinging rebuttal to her council colleague Christina Shea on the editorial pages of the Orange County Register on Sunday. While not the same placement or treatment as the Shea piece, it’s the Register after all, Krom made solid points throughout her column.
You can read it here at And after you read Krom’s piece, go back and read the complete rebuttal by Stu Mollrich pointing out claims and charges in the Great Park investigative report that went unreported by our local press corps.
A small tidbit: an extra $333,000 was requested with $100,000 of that to hire independent experts to verify and authenticate claims from the investigation the funds were paid but not a single expert was hired. And, the investigators felt they had a legal right to examine all aspects of Forde & Mollrich’s business, even client work not associated with the Great Park. It’s a very McCarthist position to take.
The timing of Krom’s piece and Mollrich’s rebuttal are powerful tools heading into Wednesday’s hearing on whether the state should investigate the city for the manner in which the audit was conducted.
Looking forward to the stinging rebuttal to the stinging rebuttal – and subsequent stinging rebuttals.