Liberals are Meh when it comes to Presidential Head Explosions in Cinema

Bush Head on a Stick Bush Head on a Stick

Hat tip to Wonkette for this story about gleeful conservative World Net Daily movies reviewers cheering as President Obama’s head explodes to the soundtrack of Ode to Joy during the recently released movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service.”  Do you remember Liberals being outraged…yes outraged at the positively disrespectful tone of this movie’s depiction of Obama, his cabinet, Congress and the UN leaders’ heads all exploding as Samuel L. Jackson tries to kill off most of the world’s population?  Me neither.

From the Wonkette story:”What makes this movie awesome, says Mitchell, is that it’s the very first Hollywood movie to depict Barack Obama as the bad guy that we all know he is. Samuel Jackson is an environmentalist radical supervillain who tries to end global warming by killing off millions of people, using cell phone chips that blow people’s heads off. Only, in a surprise twist, his fiendish plot, approved by Barack Obama and other nefarious world leaders, goes sideways, and a chip in Obama’s head goes boom too! And somehow, Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, which was never actually built, saves the day.

Molotov’s pretty psyched: “What made this film really special is that it was the first Hollywood film to portray Barack Obama in a bad light.” Even better, it’s also “the first Hollywood film to kill Barack Obama, on-screen no less.” Molotov is especially jazzed by the head-sploding: “From behind, we see Obama’s head pop like a piñata to the triumphant sounds of ‘Ode to Joy.’ He tries to kill America, and dies for it.” Mitchell gives the movie a solid A- grade, in part because other than The Interview, this is the only film this year where you get to see a real-life dictator’s head blow up.” loved it too:  “Yes, the rumors you might have heard about a certain prominent left-wing political figure cheerfully throwing in with supervillain Samuel L. Jackson’s insanely murderous plot are true.  If your favorite liberal paper is giving this movie anything less than five stars, that’s probably why, even if they won’t openly admit it.

A word of warning is in order: as with just about everything else smashed by the deconstructionist wrecking-ball pen of Mark Millar, who wrote the graphic novel source material, “Kingsman” is also deliriously violent.  A certain sequence midway through the film — you’ll know it when you get there — might be the most violent scene ever filmed.  This is the kind of movie that makes exploding heads funny.

The other purpose animating the punk sensibility lying beneath the elegantly-tailored exterior of this film is a discourse on the nature of elitism.  Liberals fuming over the mean things this movie has to say about global-warming extremists are missing an even more devastating point it makes about the way birthright, inheritance, and wealth are not the measure of a gentleman.  Any man can aspire to that status, if he adopts the proper habits of mind and manner.

In 2006, a movie called “Death of a President” which depicted an assassination of George W. Bush caused conservatives to lose it over the premise and disrespect of a war-time president.

From the ABC News story:

“Mixing real archive footage and computer generated imagery, “Death of a President” shows President Bush being gunned down by a Syrian sniper during a Chicago anti-war protest in October 2007.

When word of the provocative plot hit the blogosphere Thursday, it sparked outrage, particularly among conservatives.

“Sicko” is how radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh described director Gabriel Range.

Congressman Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, called the movie “absolutely disgraceful.”

Neither man has seen the flick, but both fear life could imitate art.

“This is a dangerous world,” Rep. King told one cable news channel. He warned that this mock-documentary “could incite real violence.”

The White House and U.S. Secret Service would not comment on the movie, but former agents say it is definitely cause for concern.

And you’ll remember the first season of Game of Thrones when a mock up prop of George W. Bush’s head (in a bad wig) on a pike caused conservatives to be outraged at the disrespect shown the former president.

From the blog, Conservative Focus:

In commentary for the DVD of the first season, one of the writers admits that the Republican’s likeness “appears in a couple of beheading scenes” but insisted no one is playing politics.

“We just had to use whatever head we had around,” the writer says without explaining where the prop came from.

The presidential noggin, topped with straggly hair, appears for a just a second in an episode of the fantasy series that aired last year, when spoiled child king Joffrey shows Sansa Stark a line of heads on spikes.

The mention of Bush’s head went unnoticed until a Reddit user flagged it, bringing swift condemnation.

The head of the Brooklyn Republican Party called the grisly cameo “disgraceful” and said he would feel the same way if it was President Obama’s head.

“Whether you like him or dislike him, whether you’re of the same political persuasion or not, we still have to respect the office of the presidency and all of those who hold that presidency,” said GOP chief Craig Eaton, who has never seen the show.

So that everyone’s clear, when Obama’s head explodes in a cinematic work of fiction, Liberals could care less.  When a Republican president is killed or an image of a very unpopular conservative leader is shown in a mythical world with hair longer than his daughters on screen for a split second, it’s disgraceful.

I wonder how many Republicans would agree with Eaton’s comments about respecting the office of the presidency (the #47Traitors sure don’t) and all those who hold that presidency (unless you’re Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter).

The only awkward moment in the film (spoiler alert) is a promise made by a beautiful captive to our hero that if he in facts saves the world, that he can come back for a particular sex act made more awkward by the fact my 15-year-old daughter was watching the movie with me.  But the president’s head exploding — which doesn’t happen in Mark Millar’s awesome graphic novel that inspired some of the film — didn’t bother me in the least.

For what it’s worth, there’s almost no liberal outrage over this movie.  There was no liberal outrage over any of the three awful “Atlas Shrugged” movies perhaps because liberals understand the essential idea of a fictional story as opposed to a documentary or a movie based on a non-fiction novel.  “Kingsmen” is fun; it’s not a 5-star movie and it won’t win any Oscars.