As children, we’re taught “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Sean Mill apparently never received this lesson in kindergarten. Instead, he insisted, last night at a Santa Ana Planning Commission meeting, that his prejudicial remarks against a Vietnamese blogger that he was either “raped by pirates” or had “Agent Orange exposure” were somehow defensible because the blogger deserved it! In this alternative reality, which we will refer to as the Millian World, it’s OK for a person to lob racist remarks as long as the target of the remark is determined to be a racist as well.
At Monday’s Santa Ana Planning Commission meeting, where Mill had hoped to become the next chair of the commission, Mill asserted that he was “incited” to make racist remarks (in addition to homophobic ones made in 2010 and 1989), and it begs the real question here – why is this hateful stew of prejudice and homophobia lying right beneath his surface. Using the Millian perspective of reasoning allows Mill to (1) denigrate an entire race (the Vietnamese); (2) a person’s sexual identity (the LGBT community); and (3) and bully the citizens of Santa Ana who have audacity to challenge him when he is incited (Mike Tardiff and others).
In the Millian perspective, two wrongs really do make a right.
To avoid being accused of cherry-picking, some background: In 2010, Mill was engaged commenting on the Bolsavik blog which has since shutdown. Mill’s debate was with a blogger regarding the Vietnamese community. Mill deemed this commenter to be an “anti-Latino racist,” and he made the following comments on an April 2010 post on the Orange Juice Blog, in response to Little Saigon’s Lam Pho who complained about Mill’s Boslavik comments:
“Get over yourself already you anti-Latino bigot. I did not joke about rape or torture I simply asked a question if your bigoted countrymen who were demeaning our soldiers. Their anger and unstable behavior stems from somewhere so I asked if perhaps it was the result of being ‘raped by pirates’ or ‘agent orange exposure.’”
“Can you explain the unstable behavior? What causes such anger and hatred towards white folks. Latino’s (sic) and our soldiers that fought in Vietnam?
Talk about arrogance, your comment, ‘If they were switched, the Viet would have a thriving economy and wouldn’t need to invade the US,’ is about as arrogant as they come.
Sure the Vietnamese community has thrived economically but that would have never have come to be without the handouts provided by the American taxpayers. Latino immigrants have not had the benefits of such handouts and low interest loans.”
You can see these remarks for yourself: http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2010/04/does-criticizing-the-vietnam-war-mean-youre-anti-vietnamese/ (Mill’s comments were posted on April 25, 2010 at 2:50 PM) until Vern Nelson decides to take the comment or the post down.
Did the Vietnamese commenters belittle our soliders and Latinos? That blog post and blog is gone and a supporting post that might back up Mill’s content is also deleted from the Orange Juice blog (with scores of posts authored by Mill). If someone has a screen grab of the post and comment, please put it the comments section below. Much like Mill’s non-apology for homophobic comments he wrote in 1989 and 2010, there was no apology to the suggestion that Vietnamese anger was related to being raped by pirates or Agent Orange exposure.
But when you consider that two weeks ago, Mill was being considered to replace Eric Alderete as chairman and he has settled for retaining his vice chair is a win of sorts for residents who spoke out on the possibility of Mill’s appointment.
Mill was called on the carpet by fellow commissioner Bruce Bauer for the “raped by pirates” and “Agent Orange” remarks. Bauer called the remarks “indefensible and despicable.” Bauer’s sister-in-law is a Vietnamese immigrant. When Mill responded to Bauer, he didn’t deny making the remarks or apologize for them. Mill instead defended them, asserting that he was permitted to lob these remarks because he felt the other persons were insulting our soldiers who fought in Vietnam.
Mill’s self-defense of his racist remark doesn’t explain why he attributed the success of the entire Vietnamese community was the result of “handouts by the American taxpayers.” Since we reviewed Mill’s comments against the LGBT community in an earlier post, lets move to the bullying and intimidation tactics.
In the Millian World, Mill is allowed to pick fights with Santa Ana citizens who don’t share his opinions. If he is incited, it is OK for Mill to call them out by name, despite the clear prohibitions contained in the Santa Ana Ethics Ordinance against this sort of conduct.
From the City of Santa Ana Code of Ethics and Conduct –
“I treat my fellow officials, staff and the public with patience, courtesy and civility, even when we disagree on what is best for the community.”
“I encourage full participation of all persons and groups ..”
Mike Tardif, a Santa Ana resident and business owner, specifically pointed out several examples of how Mill singled him out during Planning Commission meetings against the spirit of the city’s ethics ordinance.
Tardif said: “As an appointed official of the City of Santa Ana, Mr. Mill has an obligation to live up to the letter and spirit of the Code (of Ethics). He should engage residents through rational discussion — not in a heated, accusatory, belittling and unprofessional rant in a public forum….As a resident, property owner and business owner in Santa Ana, I feel that it is important to work with representatives of the city who treat the public with “patience, courtesy and civility, and work towards consensus building. Mr. Mill does not fit that bill.”
Another example of Mill calling out a resident by name from the dais was repeated last week, when Mill singled out a member of the audience, “Darren,” who was sitting in the audience recording Mill’s rant and/or complaint about an FPPC filing we made for Mill’s refusal to disclose his economic interests. Watch the clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYwJ1MIjw4 to see how Mill singled out “Darren” (who was simply in the audience to speak on his support for a restaurant business and not against Mill’s possible election to chair). Mill defending singling out “Darren” because he saw Darren was recording the rant.
Santa Ana resident Dave Hoen was also direct in his comments to the board. “People are going to disagree, but some of our residents, private citizens as well as business owners, who have participated in trying to make Santa Ana a better place, have been subjected to vile, offensive and warrantless attacks by those who disagree with them. Unfortunately one of the planning commissioners has been associated with some of these vile and offensive attacks. In my book, that activity alone should disqualify him as a Planning Commissioner, let alone in a position of leadership on that Commission. And in standing here saying this, I know I am opening myself up to attacks from “anonymous” sources. I know business owners who would like to be saying what I have just said, but for fear of retribution, they will not. Business owners, developers and residents should not be afraid to speak their ideas of how to make Santa Ana better for all of us.”
In the end, after a few go-rounds of voting, Jim Gartner is the new chairman of the Planning Commission and Sean Mill is the vice chair — with Mill casting the deciding vote for himself in a 4-3 decision. For all the city’s chest thumping about diversity, Lynette Verino, a Mexican-American and the only woman on the Commission, was passed over by Mill’s four votes. The city’s Planning Commission leadership is two white guys.
In his closing remarks, chairman Alderete — Mill’s best friend on the Commission — lamented how politicized the Planning Commission has become while failing to recognize his own role in allowing this to happen. It doesn’t seem possible, but the Planning Commission’s business is more about settling political scores than handling the business of permits and strategic urban planning and much more politicized than City Council meetings. Time for the City Council to be a more active player in the activities of the Planning Commission.
In the two weeks since Mill launched a tirade over a possible FPPC investigation into his failure to disclose his income sources for his statement of economic interests, we still await the FPPC’s decision on a full investigation into the matter (the Commission communicates via snail mail). Mr. Mill and his supporters have also failed to produce a single newspaper article from the “scores” of stories Mr. Mill says he’s authored that support Santa Ana’s and Orange County’s LGBT community.
Members of the community who opposed Mill’s election to chair can cheer the decision that prevented him from wielding the gavel, but so many in Santa Ana’s LGBT community and heavily-populated Vietnamese Ward 6 have to be wondering why Mill is on the Planning Commission at all.
Why are Sal Tinajero and Vince Sarmiento continuing to run cover for Mr. Mill? In the case of Sarmiento, running interference for a city official who’s made bigoted remarks isn’t new. He gave then council member Claudia Alvarez, facing censure from the City Council, an out after she referred to Irv Chase, a Jewish developer with property in Santa Ana, as “Hitler.” Rather than punish Alvarez for her remarks, Sarmiento caved and helped the city organize and host a forum on race relations — primarily for Latinos and Jewish residents that was by-invitation only event despite most of the funding paid for using tax dollars. A person who attended that event — Planning Commissioner Sean H. Mill, who obviously didn’t learn much.
Such a yawnfest hearing Dan C spout “two wrongs don’t make a right.” How often does Dan say something f-d up and then when called on it justify it by something (possibly) f-d up that another person said? i don’t even need to find an example, look on ANY THREAD HERE. It’s practically his trademark, “two wrongs make a right.”
And if Tardif is gonna be your new BFF, at least learn to spell his name right. Like you never did with Lorri.
Thanks for the edits Vern; can I point out the typos over on your site too?
Vern, one of my friends who reads both of our blogs but doesn’t comment, suggested I remind you of the deliberately derogatory spellings of my own name by Mr. Diamond and your commenters. Look at those examples and then apply the grudge accusation to your own outfit. I could care less, but this pal insisted on me pointing out your own hypocrisy in your complaint
I wish you had a grudge against booze Vern
Oh okay, you spell Mike’s name wrong in the spirit of satire then, AND it’s a “typo” that happened over and over. Gotcha.
I don’t “deliberately misspell your name,” Chum; I gave you a nickname.
I think that I have misspelled your name before accidentally, early on, and maybe a time or two after that jokingly. But by now I am pretty committed to the nickname.
Diamond you pathetic loser. Your nickname should be “Poor Greg” because you’re such a poor loser
The prior poster is perhaps the heaviest “vegetarian” the world has ever known.
I am surprised he complains of so much fatigue and so many health problems for such a healthy lifestyle advocate. It makes you understand why so much of what he says is so non-sensical or simply lies.
A nickname? Wow my feelings are hurt. Not. Call me what you want Greg. I will call them like I see them and what I see is someone who places his ego into unwinable races and the costs associated with them over the financial needs of his family. Instead of running for DA, you should have spent that on your daughter’s choir fees. Years from now, no one will remember you lost badly to Tony Rack but I’m sure she won’t forget you put your ego ahead of her dreams. I won’t give you a nickname. I will call you what I think you are–a bad father and husband.
Hey Greg, the Register reports Tony Rack is running for DA again in 2018. That gives you three years to save up for another ballot statement for yet another failed run.
Come on Dan, that’s just mean. Greg is clearly jockeying to become a “prolific political blogger”, his past three articles equal about 10,000 words or 26 single spaced pages. No wonder the dude can’t work. He is busy blogging.
NOTE TO NOBERTO: With all the boot licking he’s throwing your way, pass on the temptation, Diamond is damaged goods. The last thing the reasoned population wants to hear is Diamonds drivel.
Translation: I have no self-control.
Translation: My true colors show. I am really a homophobe and racist!
Where his the outrage that the Vietnamese community, which make up more than 10% of Santa Ana’s population, is being attacked by Sean Mill? Why hasn’t he renounced those comments or his supporters done the same? Where is the concern too that there are no Vietnamese representatives at the city Council level or at the planning commission level? Obviously their interests are being horribly represented at almost every level.
Moreover, where is the outrage at the fact that there are no LGBT representatives at the city Council or at the planning commission level, despite the fact that that community makes up a sizable minority in the city of Santa Ana?
Vince runs cover because Sean knows all the dirt on the dirty dealings of the Sarmiento family. How does a poor family from Bolivia suddenly come into riches during the 70’s? HMMMM Was is helping Americans ride the “White Horse?” I remember going to the Festival Hall only to be told by Security this is Ranchero night, the Hookers and Blow are on Tuesday nights.
Why does’nt Vince do something about Mill?
Maybe because Mill ran his property records and can prove the rumors true:He doesn’t even live in Santa Ana!
Ask yourself who gains by outing Vince. The dynamics of SanTana politics become a little clearer. No Vince means a new hand ind the cookie jar. Whose hand would that be????
See the Orange Juice a couple weeks ago. Vince has been claiming 16 miles travel time to his OCWD meetings – the amount of travel from “his mom’s” place in Orange Park Acres, NOT where he supposedly lives in the First Ward. You’re on to something.
Vern, you’re on to something. but please discourage Greg from writing about it. If he does people will lose interest after the first 10,000 words of his 100,000 word rant.
Where is all the outrage in Santa Ana about the non representation of asians.
More lip service from politically connected advocates with a self serving agenda.
Go North (or West depending on who you ask) of the River and this ward is absent of any real community representation.
Why does Sal support this bigot. The Vietnamese and LGBT community needs to call Tinajero and demand answers. Can anyone tell me what Sal has done to help the LGBT community? I don’t see a single piece of legislation passed by him that makes him such a champion.
The ones in charge of our city are the son of a rooster thief, an owner of a shady nightclub where people can get hookers and blow and a Mayor who openly takes cash from businesses on Broadway. What a joke!
Excellent article Dan. Just to clear up one minor point – Mill’s unprovoked attack against me came during a discussion on a public forum, that being the New Santa Ana blog, rather than at a PC meeting. Regardless, it makes no difference where the verbal assault took place. Mill, as a public official, does not leave his responsibility and obligation to the SA Code of Ethics and Conduct behind at the dais.
But seriously, how could anyone misunderstand the clear meaning of economic disclosure laws requiring disclosure of all income from non-government employment? Mr. Mill, and Mr. Alderete are crooks of the lowest order, A.K.A. LIARS.