Usually, Santa Ana Planning Commission meetings are boring events. Permits are debated and approved, commissioners wrap the meetings with non controversial commentary and the meeting is adjourned. Except for last week’s meeting when acting chair Sean H. Mill used his time for commissioner communications to launch a series of comments that included bouts of paranoia, evidence of hypocrisy and outright falsehoods — seemingly over a blog post published here a few hours before the meeting began and our complaint filed against him and fellow Commissioner Eric Alderete for having incomplete economic disclosure statements on their Form 700s.
Watch the video here first, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYwJ1MIjw4 and then come back to the rest of the story.
Mr. Mill wrapped up the meeting by waving a file with documents from the FPPC complaint we filed against him and Planning Commission chairman Alderete for failure to disclose their income sources and investment holdings as required by their Form 700s. We received letters from the FPPC last week saying the organization would undertake one of four actions and that both Mill and Alderete would have opportunities to respond to the charges in writing only.
Mills claims the filing is a petty vendetta using taxpayer resources. It’s not. We began asking officials from the City of Santa Ana why financial disclosures were missing from Mill’s and Alderete’s form 700s back in October. We were told both men were informed of the requirements of the form 700 and Mill reported back to the city that his form was in compliance. The city cited Mill’s answer and Mill stated the city’s attorney’s office had cleared him when that’s not what they did.
Turns out that’s not the only example of Mill being untruthful.
Mills’ rant about the use of taxpayer resources to carry out petty vendettas could be linked directly to changes he and Alderete placed on the Planning Commission’s ex-parte communication disclosures by requiring writing disclosures in addition to verbal ones and making those written disclosures retroactive for several months. They targeted fellow commissioner Phil Bacerra. A campaign was waged against Bacerra that he was hiding something — completely untrue as Bacerra provided the city with every written disclosure was he required to on time and on deadline.
We would had never even bothered to look up Mill’s and Alderete’s Form 700s until their actions against Bacerra. My interest in Mill’s Form 700 had more to do with his own hypocrisy than interest in where he works or how much he makes. And since Mr. Alderete, whom I’ve never met or spoken with, was part of effort, I looked into his form 700 and found it lacking. The FPPC will be making a decision on whether an investigation is warranted or corrective action is required sometime this week.
Speaking of hypocrisy, Mill’s rant about wasted government tax dollars for petty vendettas also is something he has first hand personal experience in doing. At Mill’s urging, the County of Orange seized Chris Prevatt’s computer to do a forensic scan to see if Prevatt was “blogging from work.” The machine came by clean with no evidence Prevatt was doing anything but work related issues at his office. Estimates from IT experts is each seizure cost taxpayers about $1,000 per day in lost productivity and misused resources for a Mill-based witch hunt (or should we say taxpayer-funded petty vendetta). We asked Mill then if he’d be reimbursing taxpayers and our answer was stony silence.
I’ve always wondered, did he target Prevatt because of the blog or did he target Prevatt because he’s gay?
Here’s the email string that proves our claim:
From: Sean Mill [mailto:seanhmill@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 11:25 AM To: Moorlach, John Cc: Mauk, Thomas; Pat Bates; Campbell, Bill; Nguyen, Janet ; Riley, David [HCA] Subject: County Workers Blogging On Taxpayers Time/Dime
Supervisor Moorlach,
Good morning Supervisor Moorlach. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter.
I am contacting you regarding public employees blogging and accessing the internet from county computers on taxpayers time. In particular I am referring to county employee Chris Prevatt of the Health Care Agency. As you are probably aware Mr. Prevatt is one of the editors of the Liberal OC blog and is an active member of the OCEA. This problem has arisen in the past regarding Mr. Prevatt and it looks like he is at it again.
According to a story written by Norberto Santana of the Voice of Orange County Prevatt has been complaining that county employees have been blocked from accessing the Voice of OC website. Mr. Prevatt wrote his own story about this on the LiberalOC blog in which he took a cheap shot at his fellow county employees that work in the IT Department. Here are Mr. Prevatt’s own words:
An interesting note is that not everyone seems to be happy about the launch of this new investigative news source. In particular, the IT geniuses at the County of Orange. While websites such as the Orange County Register, the Los Angeles Times, and every political blog in Orange County are accessible through the county internet system, Voice of OC directs users to the following notification. Request Blocked by URL Filter Database I mentioned this matter to Norberto Santana about a month ago when the first pages of his site went up. He told me today that he “had mentioned the problem to the county and got some run-around BS answer.” He was surprised that they had not fixed the problem. Seems to me they don’t want anyone to know that VoiceofOC exists, and certainly don’t want anyone to find the website. I’ll let you know if they ever get around to uncensoring independent media.
With all of the cutbacks and layoffs within the county do you really think that county workers accessing the internet and blogging from work is the best use of taxpayer monies?
I would respectfully ask that someone please look into this potential waste of taxpayers money and resources by Mr. Prevatt. I notice that comments and posts from Mr. Prevatt appear on his blog during county business hours. How can this be if he is supposed to be working for the taxpayers during that time?
Everyone is being asked to sacrifice during these trying economic times and I know that you are doing all that you can to look out for the taxpayers of this county. You are the one fiscal watchdog that we citizens know we can count on. Please have someone look into this. As a leader within the OCEA Mr. Prevatt should be setting an example. If he is not, than he should be made an example.
Thank you so much in advance for your efforts.
Sean H. Mill
(phone number redacted)
Mr. Mill seems unaware that WordPress blogs allow bloggers to schedule pre-drafted posts to run at any time of the day.
Moorlach responded:
From: Moorlach, John Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:05 PM To: ‘Sean Mill’ Cc: Mauk, Thomas; Pat Bates; Campbell, Bill; Nguyen, Janet ; Riley, David [HCA] Subject: RE: County Workers Blogging On Taxpayers Time/Dime
Good to hear from you again.
It is my understanding that Mr. Prevatt has been reviewed about this matter in the past.
I also know that he probably receives and makes telephone calls on various blogging related matters during the day.
I have questioned his activities a number of times during my first term as Supervisor.
By way of copying the same individuals that you have, I will make another official inquiry.
With gratitude,
John M. W. Moorlach, C.P.A. OC Board of Supervisors Second District
Editor’s note: Prevatt’s computer came back clean…again.
At the last planning commission meeting, Mill owned up to a letter he wrote to the LA Times complaining about a Gay Pride Festival in Centennial Park in 1989. He announced that he has “distanced himself from those views.” He may have distanced himself from his views he held in 1989, but said nothing about comments directed at Chris Prevatt of this blog in 2010 in emails. Nor did Mill apologize for what he wrote in 1989; he should apologize for those comments and for what he wrote in 2010.
“If you can’t come up with anything better than that, than I feel sorry for you,” said Mill at the planning commission meeting. Well, there was plenty of evidence that was “better than that” in hundreds of blog posts Mill published at the Orange Juice Blog that were deleted around the time that blog was sold to Vern Nelson. As far as Mill’s claims about “cherry-picked” comments in the posts which he says are “out of context,” well I have all the emails from him with full context that we’ve shared with some of the city’s LGBT activists to let them make up their own minds about Mill’s words.
So we have to ask: has Mill distanced himself from his March 2010 comments in a email calling Chris Prevatt “an infected piece of shit.” Or has he evolved his thinking since then?
Here’s the full context of emails threats against Prevatt, an HIV+ gay man; let me know if you think it’s homophobic or not:
And the last time I checked I wasn’t someone’s bitch like you. My mom had a stroke and being the responsible son that I am I help her out. You want to talk shit about that you infected little shit Go fuck yourself loser. Now go hide behind Nick loser.
“Nick” is Nick Berardino of OCEA. And we’re told Mill’s mother had her stroke decades ago so why his services for her care are still required, we’re not sure. But there’s more:
Chris, You’re a sactimonious twerp. Why you have such a sense of self-importance is beyond me. You’re a loser Prevatt. Just look at the lot you surround yourself with. For you or any of them to sit in judgment of me is laughable. You live a pathetic existence and are laughed at routinely. No one and I repeat no one has an ounce of respect for you. Anyone that casts their lot with you says a ton about their character. No (sic) go get Nick his pot pie you little twerp.
and this:
For some reason you think that being on the planning commission is the most important thing in the world to me. You could not be any further from the truth. Unlike you, I don’t need a title or group to make me feel as if I am somebody. Whether I am a planning commissioner or not I am somebody and I will be reckoned with. I also can take solace in that fact that I have my word. I don’t go around making things up about people and attacking them behind their back as you, Claudio, Phil and so many of your friends famously do. I say it to your face and put my name to it. If I were not to be on the planning commission tomorrow then what Chris? Do you think I’ll be going away. It will simply take the shackles of me and allow me to come after you and the others that have corrupted the values of the DPOC with unfettered and unwavering determination.
I bolded that one passage because in that same email, he accused Claudio Gallegos of having accumulated a very large bar tab which we debunked after calling the bar in question years ago. So that was a lie. And one easy to prove. And I’m not so sure the DPOC would embrace someone who’s backed Steven Choi for Mayor in Irvine or Hugh Nguyen for Clerk Recorder while professing to be a Democrat.
Mill continued: “Folks that pick and choose comments — cherry picked them — taking them out of context to try and make their point failed to get the newspaper articles I’ve written in support of the LGBT community — scores of them as a matter of fact — but those never seem to make their rounds.”
Mill continued: “I own what I say. When hearing what people have to say, for every article they’ll come and show you, and ‘oh look what he said’ after they take it out of context, I can show you articles I have written with my name published in the newspaper in which I support the LGBT community. So be very careful of folks telling you things.”
Mill continued: “I usually sit here and be quiet and take it, but when I see an organized effort based on a pack of lies to come down here and attack myself and Commissioner Alderete I’m not going to remain silent.”
So where are these “scores of articles” with Mill’s byline in support of the LGBT community? If you can find one published in the newspaper, send us a scan of the print edition or a link to the website. We can’t find a single story.
Mill never says which newspaper he’s published “scores” or articles and, from his speech, we’re almost certain he doesn’t know that a “score” means 20 articles and “scores” would be 40 or 41. I challenge Mill to produce “scores” of stories…I just don’t think they exist. I’d be happy to see one or two, but “scores” of pro-LGBT articles with Mill’s byline are simply hot air.
In three minutes and 50 seconds, Sean Mill demonstrated hypocrisy, singled out a gay member of the audience, and lied. He did more damage to his dream of becoming a Santa Ana City Council member when Sal Tinajero is termed out than any blog post or blog comment could ever do.
Mill’s and Alderete’s remedy for the FPPC complaint is to file an amended Form 700 and perhaps pay a small fine. That’s it. But now residents and voters, and even Tinjero, have to pay attention to Mill’s record of personal attacks, his lies and distortions, and his fitness for higher office. Mill doesn’t act the part of public servant; it’s more like “how can the public serve Mill.”
I seriously doubt that Council member Sal Tinajero is even aware of the many things Mr. Mill has said and written in attempts to physically and verbally intimidate members of OC’s LGBT community. And if he is, we question Tinajero’s judgment in continuing to reward Mill.
City officials have communicated with Mill and Alderete, we’re told several times, their need to be compliant with FPPC requirements — neither have done so. It remains to be seen what the FPPC will do, but for Mill to rail against lies that so easily fall out of his own mouth and are easily proven to be false are simply astonishing.
So we offer Mr. Mill these hoops to jump through:
1. Apologize to the LGBT community for what you wrote in 1989 and in 2010.
2. Apologize to Chris Prevatt for your homophobic rants.
3. Produce as many newspaper stories as you can, that carry your byline, where the subject matter is in support of the LGBT community. If you cannot, apologize for lying to the public about this.
What’s clear is Mill shouldn’t be considered as a replacement as Planning Commission chair. And upon further review, perhaps the Santa Ana City Council should reconsider his reappointment to the Commission period.
There’s clear evidence of Mill’s poor regard for people who are gay, and evidence he’s used taxpayer dollars to launch petty vendettas on this own. There’s also clear evidence he’s violated the city’s ethics ordinance by singling out residents in the audience known to disagree with them, Mike Tardiff being a great example. And he’s failed to disclose state mandated information of his own economic interests in the execution of his commission appointment. What is he hiding?
So let’s review. Mill’s own words demonstrate he’s a bully; he’s never apologized for making homophobic comments from 1989 or 2010; he didn’t write “scores” of articles in the newspaper under his name supporting the LGBT community; he’s failed to disclose his economic interests on his Form 700; and he’s clearly used taxpayer resources for petty vendettas.
So why is he a planning commissioner again?
Nice use of a City commission platform to go on a personal rant – nothing new for Mill.
He did it again last night – this guy will never learn.
Watched the meeting in TV and found several things bizarre. Why did Vincent Sarmiento pull the item related to the Commissioner reappointment? Why does Vincent Sarmiento care if the vote is unanimous or not? And how does he know how other Councilpeople are going to vote unless he violated the Brown Act by talking to members before the meeting outside of the public meeting? And why is Salvador Tinajero once again lying about the circumstances surrounding the death of his father who was a petty thief and criminal?
Salvador Tinajero Sr was stealing roosters and was fatally shot by a homeowner defending their property. It’s too bad that the Tinajero family was part of the city’s crime problem then and honesty problem now. See the story from the LA Times below.
A man who police believe was stealing fighting roosters from the backyard of a home in Santa Ana was shot twice early Tuesday and died a short time later at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital.
Salvador S. Tinajero, 37, was shot with a small-caliber pistol outside a house at 4714 West 5th St. at about 1:25 a.m., police said. He was struck in the chest and leg, and died at 2:01 a.m.
Seven men who live at the house were detained for questioning, but they were later released.
Although police reported that Tinajero was shot after he took two roosters valued at about $150 each, the slain man’s family denied that he stole the birds. “My dad wouldn’t go over there to steal roosters,” Sal Tinajero, 15, said. However, he said his father had raised roosters until city animal control officers ordered a stop to the practice about a year ago. Cockfighting is illegal.
“It does not appear that he was an uninvolved bystander,” Police Sgt. Collie Provence said, pointing out that witnesses had indicated that Tinajero had a rooster in each arm when shot.
Tinajero’s wife, Ofelia, said he left home shortly after 11 p.m. Monday to buy some cigarettes. She said she believes that he met a friend and another man who offered to give him a ride and then stopped by the 5th Street home. Police said evidence indicates that three men accompanied the victim at the time of the shooting.
Ofelia Tinajero said that her husband’s friend told her that Tinajero didn’t go into the house and was standing outside when a fight erupted and four men came out of the house, one armed with a gun. As Tinajero fled to the car, he was struck by the bullets, she related.
“I believe the shots weren’t meant for him,” she said, speaking through an interpreter. She said she believes that her husband didn’t know anyone in the house.
A neighbor, who declined to give his name, said he was awakened by the shots and saw three men running to what he believes was a white Volkswagen Rabbit parked across the street. “I saw one guy kind of stumble into the car, then it backed up onto the sidewalk, turned around and drove away,” he said.
The roosters were gallos de pelea –fighting cocks, said Carlos Alvarez, 19, a resident of the home who said he was arrested after the shooting and released at about 5 a.m. He said he lives with a cousin and a friend in an addition to the home and didn’t see the shooting.
Speaking outside the house Tuesday afternoon, where one of six rooster coops in the backyard appeared to have been pried loose, Alvarez said the house was burglarized about a month ago. A sign on the front door reads, “You Loot, I Shoot.”
Tinajero had been married for 16 years and is survived by his wife and three children. He had worked for about 15 years as a forklift driver at Kerr Glass in Santa Ana.
Wow, guess he could not handle looking like a fool when it was proved that Mr. Prevatt was not “blogging on county time”. Must be hard to Mills inflated ego and exaggerated sense of self-importance when his witch hunt fizzled out and he looked like a fool.
As for his homophobic comments – he must be a sad, disturbed person.
Funny that Mill was Claudia Alvarez’s biggest cheerleader after her bigoted comments against Jews is he an anti-Semite too?
I don’t think it means he’s anti-semitic. I think it means he’s a dyed-in-the-wool political operative that has a history of dividing rather than uniting. He’d be a very poor choice for Council, should he ever choose to run.
Sean Mill should resign immediately from the Planning Commission. He has twenty-four hours to do so. We urge all residents to immediately call Santa Ana City Hall and demand the immediate resignation of Sean Mill. Please call 714-647-6900 and demand his immediate resignation. We also urge all residents to contact Kevin O’Grady Executive Director of the LGBT Center of Orange County at 714-953-5428 and respectfully ask him to contact Santa Ana officials to push Sean Mills immediate resignation. Please join the community at the next Santa ana Planning Commission meeting on March 09, 2015 at 5:30 pm at 22 Civic Center Plaza.
I think people should contact Sal Tinajero on these comments by his planning commissioner. And someone ought to tell Vince Sarmiento
Lets not forget Sean Mill mocking Vietnamese about Agent Orange and Pirates raping refugees over on the Bolsavik Blog.
Cho phép không quên Sean Mill chế nhạo Việt về chất độc da cam và người tị nạn trong Pirates hãm hiếp trên Blog Bolsavik.
Look what he said about Vietnamese –
He admits what he said in his post:
“Get over yourself already you anti-Latino bigot. I did not joke about rape or torture I simply asked a question of your bigoted countrymen who were demeaning our soldiers. Their anger and unstable behavior stems from somewhere so I asked if perhaps it was the result of being “raped by pirates” or “agent orange exposure”.
So Sean – in 2010, questioned a Vietnamese person’s statements by asking if they were “raped by pirates” or suffered from “agent orange exposure”.
WOW! Where is the Vietnamese community on this guy? This is outrageous stuff.
Where is Ken Nguyen Santa Ana Parks Commissioner and Ambassadorand Spokesperson for the Vietnamese community of Santa Ana? Why hasn’t he issued a statement condemning the hate filled and hurt filled comments of Sean Mill directed at Vietnamese refugees?
I know the Vietnamese press has made some calls. I suspect they will show up to the next Planning Commission meeting
Let’s see, Sean Mill wrote his anti-gay stuff in ***1989*** way back when he was a loyal conservative Republican (and I was an anarchistic college student in Texas and Dan C was hatin’ on his family’s chickens.) So Sean is the antichrist to this day because of something he wrote when Bush 1 was President, and yet Dan and Chris were overjoyed to have Sean as their star blogger through about half of 2008, simply because Sean was fighting with Art Pedroza, one of the few people Dan hates more than Sean.
Blogging (and probably life) is more about hatred and personal grudges than anything else, to Dan Chmielewski. What Sean is trying to do on Planning Commission means nothing to him. In order to pursue his petty vendettas, Dan has aligned himself with Santa Ana racists and reactionaries who hate Sean for his advocacy of affordable housing and low-income minorities.
“Channeling the right-wing noise machine” – ALWAYS the perfect motto for Dan and his blog.
If Dan has aligned himself with Santa Ana racists, as you accuse him of, name them – NOW – and outline their racist actions. That would be the fair thing for you to do Vern – back up your allegations – or STFU!!
Or we could just refer to as Gustavo the Second.
I’ll take back “racists” and leave “reactionaries” as I don’t know what motivates the hearts of the folks, like the Strouds and other temporary Dan allies, who oppose Sean because of his advocacy of minorities and low-income housing, and also because I don’t want to distract from my critique of Dan’s pettiness and hypocrisy here.
please explain; how am I being a hypocrite?
Oh that’s easy, you’ve missed it so far? By how much lovin’ you showered on your star blogger of 2008, even though you knew he was the Homophobic Beelzebub of 1998 that he still is according to you!
please provide an example of a blog post I wrote that demonstrates that.
I’ve aligned myself with no one in Santa Ana Vern. I have no personal grudge against Sean. But I’m simply pointing out when you champion rules on disclosure, you had better be pristine and he’s not. Sean wrote a lot of anti-gay and bullying stuff in 2009, 2010, and 2011…I have all the emails. He offered money to anyone who could produce a photo of me dressed as a pedophile priest for Halloween (I rarely dress up). Sean wrote terrible things about Prevatt in 2010 that’s totally anti-gay. Sean blogged for us in 2008; nobody is a star-blogger here. In 1989, I was in Boston Vern; go back to 1975-79 for chickens. And so you know, Sean’s the one who tells everyone you relieve yourself in parking lots when you’re hammered. Nobody wants to see that part of you Vern
LOL. ” I have no personal grudge against Sean.” Now THAT is a good one.
Who cares about vendettas that they have against one another. Judge themn on what they have said. Perhaps the above commentator, Vern, is selecting quotes to ignore what Sean said in 2010! He made vile anti-Vietnamese comments then and also made homophobics comments in 2010. Sorry, the zebra has definitely not changed his stripes!!
sean in 2010, are you that slimey little racist coward that used to go by the name “jung kim” back then? you sure as hell sound like him. I actually think you might be him. I can guarantee you if you look at both sides of the conversation in the sean mill comments he was dealing with a total racist and there were many that would comment on our friend the bosaviks blog. and I don’t mean a little racist there were some flat out monsters that would comment on that site. and im not saying what mill said was the right thing to say but im pretty sure he was talking to one of those monsters.
It wasn’t him
Looks like Sean Mill picked up the phone and reached out to Vern. If anyone is aligned with racist and reactionaries it is Vern Nelson for his ill conceived attempt to excuse the racist, homophobic behavior of Sean Mill. Ask yourself this Vern. Why did Sean suddenly decide to seek your help when he’s the guy who ridiculed you behind your back for your DUIs and jail stints? Sean will toss you like yesterday’s garbage when he’s done with you. Sean doesn’t give a rats ass about low income or affordable housing, minorities, Santa Ana or anyone except Sean. Sean Mill is a self absorbed freak show who mocked a former Councilmembers potential out of wedlock child while there’s a long standing rumor he’s not innocent. Read the emails Vern. Sean Mill calls someone living with HIV/AIDS an “infected piece of shit” just a few years ago and long after blogging at LOC but right after blogging for OJ again. He’s a turd and you’d be well advised to avoid the stink he gives off.
Let’s not forget that it was Sean Mill who reached out to Supervisor Todd Spitzer regarding Vern Nelson playing piano at Todd Spitzers Christmas Party. Was Sean Mill being racist, reactionary or just a bitter hostile hater when he tried to stop Vern from working?
Vern – Do you think this is proper behavior for an official of the City of Santa Ana?
To the Santa Ana Planning Commission Chair & Members;
Concerning the Commission’s consideration of the position of Chair, I would like to inform you of conduct in violation of the Santa Ana Code of Ethics by a current appointee to the Santa Ana Planning Commission. In the course of a debate on the New Santa Ana Blog concerning a City issue Sean Mill, while a Commissioner and unprovoked, conducted himself in a manner not fitting for an appointed official of the City of Santa Ana. The following are his offensive remarks.
Commissioner Sean Mill: “Speaking of Buffao Wild Wings … We could’ve had one of these fine establishments here in Santa Ana, but a small handful of folks including … Mike Tardif caused the applicant so many problems that they packed up and left.”
Commissioner Sean Mill: “So it is not just medical marijuana dispensaries that Mike Tardif has an issue with, he seems to scream “NO” at new businesses in general. How does he expect us to generate any revenue if we chase all the businesses out of town? I thought he was a small government, anti-tax, Republican. It appears to me that is is nothing more than your typical NIMBY from the “Coalition of No”.”
Commissioner Sean Mill: (in ref. to Mike Tardif) “Standing in opposition to everything and constantly acting as a contrarian to the actions of our great council majority is not going to help move our city forward.”
As an appointed official of the City of Santa Ana Mr. has an obligation to live up to the letter and the spirit of the Code. He should engage residents through rational discussion – not in a heated, accusatory, belittling and unprofessional rant in a public forum. From the SA Code of Ethics and Conduct –
“I treat my fellow officials, staff and the public with patience, courtesy and civility, even when we disagree on what is best for the community.”
“I encourage full participation of all persons and groups ..”
“(The) Code of Conduct is intended to be a reflection of the community’s values as articulated by the Mayor and City Council as they represent the will of the people of the City of Santa Ana.”
In singling me out with his inflammatory and divisive speech Sean Mill has engaged in behavior which is in direct opposition to the values expressed in the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
As a resident, property owner and business owner in Santa Ana I feel that it is important to work with representatives of the City who treat the public with “patience, courtesy and civility and work toward consensus building” – Mr. Mill does not fit that bill. I hereby request that the Planning Commission not appoint Mr. Mill to the Chair position.
Mike Tardif
Santa Ana
Sean didn’t call me, I called him to see if I got chronologies right. I click on this blog once a week or so when I’m bored, and all I see is the same old ancient grudges.
Sean said the “infected” thing to Chris, which he regrets, in anger, because Chris insisted on continuing to make fun of the murder of his friend Sal’s dad. The thing he said to that anonymous Viet commenter was also striking back in anger at someone who was writing equally f-d up stuff. He’s a hot-tempered guy who shoots from the hip, and I’m fully aware that he talks sh*t about me when he’s mad at me.
Does he have the temperament to be a public servant? Not my problem, I don’t live in Santa Ana. MY topic is Dan’s hypocrisy, double standards, and all-consuming, obsessive, personal grudges.
Chris didn’t make fun about Sal Tinajero’s father’s death — with two stolen roosters under each arm when shot. Chris made fun of the fact Sean still lives with his mother. I’ve made fun of the fact Sean lives with his mother. But we’re talking about Sean’s racist comment against the Vietnamese, his homophobic comments against Chris (uttered in 2010, not 1988), his missing financial records for his statement of economic interest which I expect to hear from the FPPC any day now, his use of taxpayer resources for petty vendettas (against Chris again; re: Moorlach email) and repeated violations of the SantaAna ethics ordinance. What exactly is my hypocrisy for pointing this out. You said it yourself Vern. The guy’s a hothead. He shouldn’t even be on the commission let alone hold a leadership position. And you should talk about personal grudges; tell me your own bloggers and commenters harbor no grudge against me?
chemonowski, its a huge lie even pretty stupid of you to make a comment that you don’t hold a grudge against mill because its obvious you do. and the whole t-shirt thing…..creepy. just admit you hate him and that’s what fuels all this stuff you do. and vern please stop saying tinajeros father was murdered he wasn’t murdered he was shot stealing a mans chickens. I remember when that happened because it happened in my neighborhood and people were talking about it. you never ever ever ever fuck with a mans chickens.
I don’t hate Sean…really, but you can’t sit back and demand “transparency” when you’re not transparent yourself. I don’t have the same attachment to chickens that you do
jose – It’s pretty natural to hold a grudge against someone who won’t apologize for an obvious wrong committed against another. It takes a man to admit his mistakes – Mill does not measure up to that bar.
Jose — do you know how the case went down? I know the guy who shot Sal’s dad was arrested and there was a trial, but I can’t find anything online about the outcome of the trial. If the guy was found guilty, Sal can certainly say his dad was murdered. But if a jury found the guy innocent, that’s a different situation. Please let us know.
Hey Vern, since you don’t have the ability to judge Sean’s temperament to be on Santa Ana’s Planning Commission since you don’t live in Santa Ana, maybe you should stop sticking your nose into Santa Ana based issues, since you don’t live here. If you believe a word that comes out of Sean’s mouth you’re a bigger fool than I thought. Sean uses racist hate filled language to defend against racist hate filled language. Maybe Sean’s just racist hate filled guy.
Just goin’ by memory – the dude was not charged – justifiable homicide.
Where I do have to live though is the OC blogosphere, where this Dan C fellow makes believe that his blog is the “liberal” blog instead of just the old grudge blog, and pretends his motto is “challenging” instead of “channeling” the right wing noise machine.
and your blog is grudge-free? Please…..
Except we also have other things going on.
Oh by the way, thanks for illustrating my point so handily: https://theliberaloc.com/2015/03/11/two-wrongs-make-a-right-the-logic-of-sean-mill/#comments
I never demanded transparency and I’ve been transparent myself I’ve never said I wasn’t who I’ve said to be. despite what that assclown “show me your papers” Lomeli says. and yes I believe you hate mill I really do. and junior, please shut up ill give you a dollar if you just shut up. and as far as the guy who shot tinajeros dad I don’t know what happened in that case all I heard was that somebody got shot stealing chickens after that I didn’t hear anything until recent years. I doubt anything happened to the guy but nothing good ever comes out of raising fighting roosters. its a horrible way to treat animals .
This started with a perception that Sean Mill desired the Chair position on the Santa Ana Planning Commission. So what happened with that?
ok ill give you 2 dollars.