Hot off the press from Democracy for America: BREAKING: Kamala Harris Tops Democracy for America, Courage Campaign’s 2016 CA Senate Pulse Poll Harris’ strong showing demonstrates CA grassroots is looking for leader who will stand up for working families against rich, powerful CALIFORNIA — Attorney General Kamala Harris has placed first in Democracy for America and the California-based Courage Campaign’s joint “Pulse Poll” of each organization’s members on the emerging race to replace the retiring Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate. Here are the top line results from the DFA/Courage Campaign poll, which asked members who they wanted to run to replace Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate in 2016:
- Kamala Harris – 64.5%
- Jackie Speier – 8.7%
- Antonio Villaraigosa – 3.2%
- Karen Bass – 2.9%
- Tom Steyer – 2.7%
- John Garamendi – 2.6%
- Hilda Solis – 2.3%
- Loretta Sanchez – 2.1%
- Adam Schiff – 1.9%
- John Chiang – 1.7%
- Jane Harman – 1.5%
- Xavier Becerra – 1.4%
- Dave Jones – 0.9%
- Kevin Johnson – 0.8%
- Barbara Lee – 0.7%* (*write-in votes)
“CA Attorney General Kamala Harris’ strong showing in our Pulse Poll is a clear sign that anyone who wants to succeed Sen. Barbara Boxer must be credible fighter for economic populism committed to standing up to the wealthy and powerful in the fight for working families. As Attorney General, Harris has won praise for defending homeowners against the unscrupulous and often illegal foreclosure practices of big Wall Street banks. That is precisely what we’d expect a fighter from the Elizabeth Warren-wing of the Democratic Party to take on and clearly a key reason why she earned Sen. Warren’s early support.” explained Jim Dean, chair of Democracy for America. “Still, at DFA, we believe that primaries matter. With nearly a year and a half before the California Democratic primary and Harris the only declared candidate in the race, it is too soon for DFA to endorse. While the grassroots’ early support is a great sign for Harris, we’re looking forward to watching the race as it develops in the weeks and months ahead.” “Senator Boxer is a progressive hero and it is clear that our members want another unapologetic progressive to fill her seat. It is no surprise that Kamala Harris’ record of fighting for progressive values has resonated with our membership. She has been a true champion of the middle class and has stood up courageously against the big banks,” explained Eddie Kurtz, executive director of the California-based Courage Campaign. “She would be a tremendous Senator. We look forward to seeing how the primary continues to shake out but we will make sure whoever wins this seat stands up for all Californians and against the special interests that have overtaken Washington.” FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://ca-poll.democracyforamerica.com/ The poll, which ran from January 15th through midnight (ET) January 21st, is the first DFA has conducted of its membership regarding the 2016 presidential election. This coming weekend, DFA and the Courage Campaign will release instant run-off voting tools on the California U.S. Senate Pulse Poll website, which will allow voters to see how the entrance of various top candidates effects current results. DFA and Courage Campaign members were able to rank order their votes for up to three potential candidates on their ballot. Democracy for America is a national progressive political action committee founded by Gov. Howard Dean and has 177,956 members in California and 1 million members nationwide. The Courage Campaign has more than 900,000 members focused on building a more progressive California.
The LA Times is reporting that Tom Steyner will not seek the seat. From the story:
“San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer, a major figure in the fight against global warming, announced today that he would not seek U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s seat in 2016.”