Public Reception for Larry Agran set for Dec 2 at Irvine City Hall

Larry Agran
Larry Agran, Irvine City Council
Larry Agran
Larry Agran, Irvine City Council

Without question, Larry Agran is the most polarizing political figure in Orange County today.  You love him or your can’t stand him; there’s really no in-between.

Agran’s imprint on Irvine can be felt in a number of ways — from the city’s long term safest city designation to its commitment to being green, suppor for our public schools and paying a fair wage to those who work for the city.  Next Tuesday, there’s a new public reception to honor Agran’s service to Irvine.

Here are the details:

Dear Friends,Please join us on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. at the Irvine Civic Center for a public reception honoring Irvine City Councilmember Larry Agran’s leadership and service to our community.

No elected official in the history of Orange County has the legacy of public service, public advocacy and groundbreaking achievement that Larry Agran does. 

From environmental stewardship and open space preservation to defeating the El Toro airport plan, the benefits of Councilmember Agran’s leadership can be seen all around us. He never wavered in his support of those marginalized in our society and took political risks to move our community forward that we rarely see at the local level (or state or federal level for that matter).

Feel free to share this invitation with others you know who appreciate all that Councilmember Agran has done for our City over 28 years of public service and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, December 2nd at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014  

No RSVP Required

5-6:30 p.m. Reception

Irvine Civic Center

1 Civic Center Plaza



  1. “Really no in between.” Really? Do your words ever mean anything? What about me and lots of other people I know – people who are more or less sane and intelligent – who see Larry’s good points and bad points? Sounds like “in between” to me.

      • Oh I see. I made the mistake of reading your first two sentences the way you actually wrote them. So you were only talking about how people in Irvine feel, even though you accidentally wrote “in Orange County.” I didn’t know I was reading The Liberal Irvine.

  2. Vern, you always say I don’t get Anaheim. You don’t get Irvine. And no one I know thinks you’re sane or intelligent. Much of the best progressive policy passed in OC since 2000 is largely due to the influence of Irvine’s Democrats. Which is why Agran is so hated by Republucans.

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