Three Cheers for the Underdog

Why do some candidates run against all odds?
Suzanne Savary, Photo Credit: ANA VENEGAS , STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER - OC Register

The Orange County Register ran a great story about political underdogs over the weekend that brought to light the motivation of candidates who run for elective office, in spite of all the odds against them in unseating an incumbent official. The story featured Suzanne Savary who is challenging Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Peter Anderson, who is challenging Congressman Ed Royce.

From the OC Register story:

Why do some candidates run against all odds?
Suzanne Savary, Photo Credit: ANA VENEGAS , STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER – OC Register

Suzanne Joyce Savary’s run for Congress began a year ago with something she read in the newspaper.

An unidentified group commissioned a poll suggesting voters were weary of longtime Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and that they might be open to new representation.

Savary, a 67-year-old retired business consultant and professor, decided to take aim at Rohrabacher.

Like so many other campaign hopefuls each election cycle, Savary is running despite long odds, little name recognition, lack of funding and precious few registered voters in her chosen party – in her case, Democrats.

She is not alone in Orange County in being a long shot on the Nov. 4 ballot. Five other candidates in the county boldly face seemingly insurmountable odds against incumbents. And they, too, have company.

But hope is only part of the reason why candidates with little chance of winning are on ballots. Party chairs are reluctant to let incumbents skate through unopposed, even if the race seems out of reach.


Democratic Party Executive Director Nick Anas commented:

Nick Anas, the Orange County Democratic Party’s executive director, agrees. “Sometimes symbolism is important,” Anas said. “Giving Republican incumbents a free ride is not a good option.”

Read the complete story here.

1 Comment

  1. Peter Anderson paid a $3,000 filing fee and doesn’t have a $9.95/month template website builder. Democrats should vote for neither. The same goes for Adam Nick running against Loretta Sanchez, – Republicans should note for neither.

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