We received this note from Steve Maviglio over at Working Families for Solorio. It shares another cautionary tale about Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s candidacy for Senate, and a revelation about who really supports her in that bid.
Late Friday night, a new independent expenditure committee, the Coalition to Restore California’s Middle Class, dumped $1.5 million into key legislative races across the state.
Who is this special interest political action committee with a cutesy name that blurs their real agenda — fighting for the interests of the Koch Brothers?
Its main funders are three oil companies: Chevron, Tesoro, and Occidental Petroleum. They’ve put $500,000 each into key legislative races, including Republican Janet Nguyen. Click here for the report.
In addition to a flood of negative advertising, Big Oil also is spending money on polling and political consultants for Nguyen. Why? Because she supports their agenda of dirty air, protecting billion dollar oil company profits, and protecting Wall Street.
So much for “restoring California’s middle class.”
Just like the lies oozing out of Nguyen’s own campaign. This so-called coalition is about only one thing, electing right-wing Republicans like Janet Nguyen who would destroying California’s middle class and line the pockets of corporate fat-cats, using as much oil and slime as it takes to achieve their goal.