Janet Nguyen Served with Recall Petition

Supervisor Janet Nguyen listens as her colleagues discuss a scathing audit of CalOptima. (Photo by: Nick Gerda/Voice of OC)
Supervisor Janet Nguyen listens as her colleagues discuss a scathing audit of CalOptima. (Photo by: Nick Gerda/Voice of OC)
Supervisor Janet Nguyen listens as her colleagues discuss a scathing audit of CalOptima. (Photo by: Nick Gerda/Voice of OC)

We received this press release this morning that SD-34 candidate and current OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen has been served with a recall petition.  So in the event she fails to win in November, she may have another huge battle on her hands to retain her seat.

The press release is below:



Santa Ana, CA September 30th, 2014 – To avoid the humiliation of having another county elected official being convicted and taken to prison while in office, similar to that of former sheriff Mike Carona, today the voters in the 1st Supervisorial District of Orange County will serve supervisor Janet Nguyen the Notice of Intention to Circulate Recall Petition at OC BOARD HEARING ROOM, FIRST FLOOR


Address:     333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., 10 Civic Center Plaza

                     Santa Ana, California

Date/Time:   Tuesday, 9/30/2014, after 9:30AM

The grounds for the recall are as follows:

The supervisor has betrayed the trust of her constituents as evidenced in the following:


  1. Created an atmosphere of corruption and pay to play scenarios wherein donors and financial contributors are appointed by her to county boards and commissions with the requirement that they assist her in political fund raising.
  2. At the reception for the US ambassador to Vietnam in Westminster on 6/01/2013, she has prevented leaders and activists of the Vietnamese American community from publicly displaying the former Republic of Vietnam’s flag, going against the wishes of the community.
  3. With the assistance of the county staff, she had physically prevented local residents from attending a press conference on 4/12/2014, a violation of their rights to freedom of speech.
  4. Under her sponsorship, her Chief of Staff used profane languages against community members and prevented them from speaking on the issues of concern at a press conference in Westminster on 9/20/2014, causing extreme irritation to community. The uncivil conduct of her senior staff brought shame and dishonor to the Vietnamese community.
  5. Her tenure on CalOptima board has created a hostile working environment with staff that has interrupted medical services to the poor and elderly, many of whom were Vietnamese patients.


If you’d like more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with Long Pham, please email Long at long1pham@aol.com.

1 Comment

  1. Your headline is false, or at least misleading.
    According to the press release, this Long Pham person will serve supervisor Janet Nguyen the Notice of Intention to Circulate Recall Petition.
    Did you read that? Notice of intent to recall, not a recall. It still requires that they collect signatures and do an awful lot of work before it reaches a level even near a recall.

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