CATER Website Debuts; Mission Statement admits to “carrying on propaganda”


Hat tip to the folks at CATER.  They have a new website which you can see here and they are clear about two things: they are seeking to raise money and their mission statement, which appears to be more legal prose than something visionary admits they the group is all about “carrying on propaganda.”  That’s transparency!

From their “who we are” page, this “Mission Statement” copy:

“Coalition of Anaheim Taxpayers for Economic Responsibility (CATER) was formed to educate the public regarding existing and proposed governmental legislation, programs, and activities affecting the citizens of Anaheim, California, so they may participate more fully and knowledgeably in the activities of their governing agencies; to mobilize the public to participate and make their views known concerning such governmental activity; to serve the public interest by intervening in governmental activity when appropriate, and related activities.”

And under “Vision,” this;  “In the context of its general purpose, CATER shall seek contributions, grants and other income, invest and manage its resources, and apply its resources in the furtherance of its mission.  CATER’s resources are irrevocably dedicated to public benefit purposes.  No part of the net earnings, properties, assets of the Corporation, on dissolution or otherwise, shall inure to the benefit of any private person or individual, or to any Director or Officer of the Corporation.  On liquidation or dissolution, all properties and assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of the Corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation that is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and that has established its exempt status under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c) (4).

The activities of CATER may consist of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; it shall not participate or intervene in any campaign (including the publication or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office; and, it shall not, except in an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are in furtherance of the purposes described above.

Allow me the “Honest Trailer” interpretation of CATER:

1. We say we have 20+ members but we’re only naming two of them because our other members are terrified of being outed and group meetings are routinely held in a appropriate venue — a chicken coop.  That said, CATER has only two members and a lawyer who seeks legal fees from the organization’s lawsuits cause that’s how Cory Briggs makes money.

2.  CATER exists to defend the whims of Anaheim’s mayor “Saint” Tom Tait. We will attack, belittle and denigrate anyone who disagrees with him; this includes disparaging comments about other council member’s weight, height, friendships, professional dealings, business relationships, their pets, and the types of shoes they wear. Mayor Tait can have an OCTA contract and serve on the OCTA Board; no conflict there at all….  We can drag up anything anyone who opposes Mayor Tait has ever done but any decision or vote made by Tait before he was elected Mayor won’t be held against him.

3.  We will engage the public to want to see things our way even though less than 15% even bothered to vote in the last election.  And if the votes of Anaheim’s elected city council members do not reflect what Mayor Tait wants, we will sue the city to get our way.

4.  We will engage in public performances of finger puppet shows because insulting an elected body is the only true way to convince them to change their minds.  We don’t mind when speakers drop F bombs in the city council chambers when small children are around (and if we do, we never say so because Tom says “free speech is a God-given right” even though it comes from the Constitution and not the Bible).

5. CATER might not participate or intervene in any candidate’s election campaign, but individual members and their counsel are their to promote Mayor Tait’s re-election through a combination of suggesting Sainthood for the Mayor and spying on his mayoral opponent’s events from concealed parking garages.  The only “outsiders” welcome in Anaheim are those who agree with us (stay out Irvine Company).

6.  Did I forget to mention the propaganda part again?

7.  Pringle!  Pringle!  Pringle!


We’re still not entirely sure when CATER’s lawsuits against the city will find their way to court.  There is still plenty of time for CATER’s members to pull papers and run for city council.