Grand Jury Proposes Blue Ribbon Panel on Ethics

GotEthicsNewThe Voice of OC reports that yesterday, the Orange County Grand Jury released a report calling for that appointment of a blue-ribbon commission by the Board of Supervisors to explore ways to address the historical ethical lapses of public officials over the past 40 years.

From the Voice of OC report:

“Trust in government is dependent upon officials that place the public interest ahead of their own,” according to the 32-page report titled, A Call for Ethical Standards: Corruption in Orange County. “(W)e believe that there exists a direct correlation between ethical conduct and good governance.”

The panel recommended the Board of Supervisors create an a blue ribbon commission to study government ethics programs within California and around the nation and, within a year, propose an Orange County ethics reform program that includes oversight. Read More.

This should be fun! The Orange County Board of Supervisors, which steadfastly resists any meaningful form of lobbying reform, will have the opportunity to “consider” appointing a blue ribbon panel to address ethics.

Time to break out the popcorn.


  1. You know what they say about grand juries, “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that’s what you wanted.”

  2. Orange County Grand Jury – “(W)e believe that there exists a direct correlation between ethical conduct and good governance.”

    Brilliant! absa-fucking-lutely brilliant ……… what a concept …. how many college grads on that jury?

  3. Politician and Ethics. Just remember Sesame Street. One of these things is not like the other…….

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