I noticed this morning when I reviewed the agenda for the Santa Ana City Council meeting on April 15th that my friend Phil Bacerra has been nominated by Councilman David Benavides to fill the vacancy in his appointed representative on the Planning Commission. Phil is an extremely qualified pick, with more than a decade experience in city planning. He’s also a good friend of mine.
The appointment of Bacerra to the Santa Ana Planning Commission will be a positive addition and will help bring a thoughtful and experienced perspective to city planning decisions.
Congrats Phil!
Fight On for ol’ SC
Our men Fight On to victory.
Our Alma Mater dear,
looks up to you
Fight On and win
For ol’ SC
Fight On to victory
Fight On!
Can’t wait for the first PB vs. SM cage match.
Potential conflict of interest???
So Sean Hartley Mill just happened to show up at Council this evening, leaving mother unattended and uncared for, while Sal Tinajero tried shutting down the appointment of Phil Bacerra. Ultimately Phil Bacerra was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Congrats Phil!
I hope you can bring some order and sanity to Planning.
Congrats Phil. Break a leg.
Potential conflicts go with the territory – Phil is replacing a developer. There is a real estate broker and an architect on the Planning Commission now. They all advocate for their clients before the City at one time or another.