Keeping Families Together Immigration Bus Tour to Visit Rep. Ed Royce

Rep. Ed Royce (CA-39)
Rep. Ed Royce (CA-39)

Brea, CA | After a successful send off outside Senator Diane Feinstein’s LA office Monday morning, the Keeping Families Together immigration bus tour will make a stop outside Congressman Ed Royce’s office.  Congressman Royce, a member of the Tea Party Caucus, has ignored previous requests to speak to immigrant rights groups about a common sense immigration policy.

“I’m a janitor, and I work hard to provide a better life for my family,” said Aracely Gomez. “Taking part in this bus tour and talking to people about my story and why I’m willing to fight for an immigration plan that would help me get closer to becoming a US citizen is an important first step.  I just hope Rep. Royce let’s us talk to him about what this means for me and my family.

The California Tour is part of a national effort in 19 states, 90 cities, involving more than 100 Congressional districts, 38 US Senators, and 582 families impacted by the broken immigration system.  The tour will travel 20,000 miles and meet up March 13 in Washington, DC, where 150 families, representing the 1,500 immigrants deported daily, will hold sessions with Senators and House Members.

Two concurrent bus tours will spread across the Golden State to cover hundreds of miles and meet with local communities, elected officials, and special guests.

Participating organizations in the California Keeping Families Together Stories Tour include Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, CARECEN-Los Angeles, COFEM, CLUE, California Dream Network, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Center for Community Change, Community Coalition, Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, La Placita Church, Korean Resource Center, Mi Familia Vota, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Silicon Valley Alliance for Immigration Reform, CLUE-LA, ICIR-CLUE-CA, SIREN, SEIU-USWW, SEIU-ULTCW, SEIU Local 721, UFCW Local 5, UFW Foundation, Asian Pacific American Legal Center, and others.

WHO:                     USWW members, 50 immigrant families, labor & religious leaders

WHAT:                   Rally & delegation to office of Tea Party Caucus Congressman, Ed Royce

WHERE:                210 W. Birch Street, Ste 201, Brea, CA  92821

WHEN:                   Tuesday, March 5th, 2013, 1PM.

VISUALS:              Banners, signs, drummers

SEIU United Service Workers West represents more than 40,000 janitors, security officers, airport service workers, and other property service workers across California. SEIU is the fastest growing union in North America, with more than 2 million members.


  1. These immigrants have seperated themselves from their families; why are they blaming the government? Is the government responsible for incarcerated lawbbreakers being seperated from their families? Rep. Royce is right in not meeting with them. Illegal immigrants and foreign governments have no right to dictate our laws. This right is reserved to U.S. citizens.

    Our representatives should be defending and representing the interests of U.S. citizens.Immigrants who want to enter the U.S. should respect the law,and wait in line. Those who violate our laws should not be rewarded with special rights and benefits.

    The Democractic party, whos sees Hispanics as potential voters has always manipulated immigrants. The national chamber of commerce also defends illegal immigrants as a source of cheap labor.

  2. This group is outside of our office in Irvine right now just making fools of themselves and angering the businesses around them. They are out there marching with children, trying to be as loud and as obnoxious as possible. Well guess what…..this tactic does not work. And maybe they should have thought about coming over to this country ILLEGALLY and then not having enough common sense not to get pregnant. Really?? This is no one’s fault but their own.

  3. The Big Corporations and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wish to thank the leadership of the above named organizations for reducing the cost of labor in America.

  4. Why bring in,every year, 1 million illegals, 1 million people with job permits or work visas, AND 1 million “legal” immigrants when the unemployment rate is the worst in our lifetimes? Let’s take care of our hungry, our homeless, and our veterans, and THEN we’ll discuss whether we should let even one new person become a citizen! C. L. Quietmann Huntington Beach

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