During my bi-monthly trip to the Great Park Farmer’s Market Sunday, the monthly antiques fair was also going on. Traffic was heavy, parking was at a premium and there were thousands of people in attendance. It was great to see so many people on a Sunday headed to the Great Park to enjoy the day. Before I set foot in the Farmer’s Market, I was handed a flyer for a special meeting taking place at 2PM today.
The gist of the flyer reads:
The vision for the Orange County Great Park is at risk! A special Great Park meeting has been called for Monday, March 4th at 2 pm at Irvine City Hall. If you believe in a park vision that is about people and public access, not profiteering and privatization, please attend! Here’s the agenda: http://www.irvinequickrecords.com/SIREPUB3/cache/2/dyld3345ljnjz0ubyy143crs/1394342803012013092102586.PDF
It has to be tough for Irvine’s Republican majority, so used to voting no automatically when it comes to matters around the Great Park, to suddenly inherit the actual running of the Park and seem to do everything possible to take away reasons for people to attend the park. While we’re late getting this post up, if you can make the meeting, please do.