After blaming the horrific shooting of school children in Newtwon, CT on violent videogames, the National Rifle Association has released a videogame that teaches kids to shoot firearms. The game, “NRA Practice Range,” has coffin shaped targets with red bullseyes at head and heart levels. Just what you want your six-year old to play.
From the story in
“The app bills itself as a “network of news, laws, facts, knowledge, safety tips, educational materials and online resource.” The NRA reports that it “[i]nstills safe and responsible ownership through fun challenges and realistic simulations.”
But it isn’t all about hunting. It allows players practice shooting at targets — coffin-shaped targets, with red bullseyes at head- and heart-level.
For 99 cents more, users can upgrade to a MK11 sniper rifle.
This is not the first hypocritical move by the NRA. In addition to video games, the organization also blamed violence in movies for a rise in gun violence and mass murders, while simultaneously running an exhibit in honor of such violence.
The gun industry itself has ties to video game producers: Gun manufacturers sign contracts allowing gaming companies to use firearm brand names in video games as a method of product promotion.”
Having just got back from the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, attendees leaving the convention hall going back to the parking lots had to endure a gauntlet of “Girls to Your Room” hawkers slapping the business card of an escort (best defense is to say “No” aloud or keep your hands full of things to carry. But some of the hawkers were promoting the opportunity to shoot machine guns elsewhere on the Vegas Strip. I asked one one lady how she felt about passing out these flyers in light of Sandy Hills Elementary School.
“Sandy Hills what?” was the response.
Those watching the NFL playoffs this weekend will note the players still wearing a black sticker SHES on their helmets — for Sandy Hills Elementary School. I’m surprised the NRA hasn’t asked the NFL for an assault weapon sticker for the 2nd amendment as a form of equal time.
The lady may have been confused that you said “Sandy Hills” rather than “Sandy Hook.”