Fundraising does matter and we’re pleased to post this call to arms from Lita Robinow of OC’s DemoPAC.
Our Democratic candidates for the House are being outspent by Republican Super-PACs in too many too-close-to-call races.
It is critical that we stop the Radical Right’s stranglehold on Congress — and very possible. We need to win back just 25 seats in the House. You can help stop the Republicans by making a donation to DEMOC PAC today.
DEMOC PAC has been offered a THREE TO ONE MATCH on contributions up to $25,000. EVERY DOLLAR YOU GIVE WILL BECOME THREE! Steven Myers, a leading OC businessman and Democratic leader initiated this match.
TRIPLE your impact — Our $25,000 can be $75,000 and we will be a critical part of helping to bring back the Democratic Majority and making Nancy Pelosi the House Speaker. All monies contributed will go to House Majority PAC, the group dedicated to winning these 25 seats.
This is an amazing opportunity. Please help us meet this match.
Click here NOW
We CAN win back the House and give President Obama the support he needs to enact his second term agenda.
Thank you for your contribution,
Lita Robinow