Yesterday LiberalOC received a couple of back to back endorsement announcements from 69th Assembly district candidates Michele Martinez and Julio Perez.

Santa Ana Firemen’s Benevolent Association Endorses Michele Martinez
Michele Martinez’s Campaign for State Assembly announced the endorsement of the Santa Ana Firemen’s Benevolent Association today.
“After thoroughly considering the leadership skills and abilities that Michele Martinez has demonstrated as a Santa Ana City Councilmember, we are confident that her passion for service to the community in the State Assembly will be an asset to the citizens of Santa Ana, Orange County, and the State of California,” said Santa Ana Firemen’s Benevolent Association Secretary/Treasurer Bill Hencke.
“Like all Orange County residents, I am deeply grateful for the work our firefighters perform every day,” said Michele Martinez. “I am honored by their support and look forward to working closely with Santa Ana firefighters over the course of our campaign.”
[Editor’s Note: On April 20, 2012 the Santa Ana Fire Department will be absorbed by the Orange County Fire Authority. At the time Santa Ana’s firefighters will be represented by the Orange County Professional Firefighters Association.]

National Organization for Women Endorses Julio Perez
Emphasizing his understanding of issues of importance to women, the California National Organization for Women Political Action Committee (CA NOW PAC) today endorsed Julio Perez for Assembly over his rivals. The organization is committed to electing candidates who strongly support women’s rights.
“With the state budget cuts disproportionally affecting women and children, there has never been a more important time to ensure the Legislature is filled with advocates for women’s voices as well as communities that have been largely ignored” said Patty Bellasalma, president of the California NOW PAC. “Julio understands that challenge and our organization is confident that he will work as a legislator to move our state toward a more level playing field”
The California NOW Political Action Committee aggressively seeks, supports and endorses candidates at local and state levels, with an ultimate goal of achieving full equality for women. CA NOW PAC is the leading organization fighting for women’s rights.
“California women and their families ought to have a government that works for them. This isn’t limited to protecting a woman’s right to choose, but continuing to open wide the doors of opportunity for women throughout the State,” said Julio, who serves as a member of the Latino Advisory Committee for Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. “Together, we will. I am proud to have the support of California NOW PAC.”
Established in 1966, the Nation Organization for Women strives to eliminate discrimination and secure reproductive rights. Its California chapter is the largest state organization of feminists, both women and men, in the United States.
Is your story implying that the Santa Ana Firemen’s Benevolent Association won’t exist after the absorption of the Santa Ana Fire Department into the Orange County Fire Authority? I’m not trying to be snide here; I’m really asking. I know that the members of the SAFD are being hired by the OCFA; I’m just wondering whether or not this really is an endorsement from a group that won’t exist in a week, or if the SAFBA will continue to exist in some form.
I ask because I’m pretty sure that the National Organization for Women will still be around on April 21.
I think you may be on to something Greg. Not sure SAFBA will be representing much after the 20th.
Well now, you can’t very well criticize Martinez’ grammar when you’ve written a headline like THAT!
You’d think with the size of the headlines here, they would look just once or twice at what they type. In their headlines! Meanwhile I’m still trying to figure out what’s of the significance of TROKIA?
PS. Joe Hill’s a really great addition to this blog, I’ve been enjoying his stories.
A Benevolent Society that will cease to exist within 8 days of their endorsment. Wow, now THAT is impressive. I would call Tony Bedolla or Joe Kerr and see what the impact of this endorsement is. ZERO. OCFA will NOT endorse Michelle. So it is, in essence, a lie perpetrated on the electorate.
I wonder how it feels when the only woman in the race can’t get the endorsement of the National Organization of Women. That seems unprecedented! What do they know that Michelle’s campaign is hiding?
I’m sure that a woman not getting NOW’s endorsement is not unprecedented. I also don’t think that one has to attribute it to scandal. Julio’s been involved with the Board; they know him. NOW (and it’s “for Women,” not “of Women”) probably just assessed them on who could do the best job. I don’t think that Michele has to take it as an insult; few people could match Julio.
one would expect the organization to continue for SA fire personnel who retire before April 20.
I’m not sure why one would expect that as opposed to the functions being merged into OCFA. After all, continuing such an organization requires overhead costs, which will be difficult for retirees to cover. I’d expect the opposite, actually, but I don’t see info out there on what’s going on, although there is this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=23618271&l=171272bc6c&id=201501685555
It is a non-profit, tax exempt organization. The fact that it is issuing an endorsement is likely a violation of its bylaws and tax exempt status. It cannot be endorsing anything for a future, as it has no future – all members will be folded into the OCFA. Activities of is a member welfare association, Other recreational activities, Sick, accident, death, or similar benefits. These will be provided through OCFA after 4/20.
Word around Sacramento is Michele promised to hire Art Pedroza as her chief of staff if she is elected. Way to go Michele, putting a man who promoted sex between men and boys as your person in charge.
If that’s true, she is dumber than I thought.
Only a total idiot would let Pedroza anywhere near their campaign.