Everyone has blown a deadline at one time or another, but for Costa Mesa city clerk Julie Folcik, a blown deadline could have serious consequences. She’s been placed on adminstrative leave pending an investigative into a “serious professional failure” according to Geoff West’s Bubbling Caldron blog.
Here’s the statement from Costa Mesa CEO, Tom Hatch:
Today Julie Folcik was placed on paid Administrative Leave pending the completion of an investigation into the significant professional failure to have the Charter consolidated with the June County election as directed by the City Council. An investigation has been started.
From West’s post:
Shame on Tom Hatch for bending to the petulant demands of opportunistic politicians by placing a VERY professional, hardworking and loyal employee on leave at this time. This, of course, is cutting off their noses to spite their face. There is no time when a highly-skilled City Clerk is essential than during the run-up to an election.
Folcik missed a deadline to file a Chater city ballot measure for the June election which would have a heavy Republican turnout. The city’s appeals to have the measure placed on the ballot for June were denied yesterday meaning if they wish to move forward, the measure will be on the November ballot making it harder to pass.
She should’ve been immediately fired. Some things are too important to mess up. This is one of them. If she can’t do the job, find someone who can.
But wait! This is supposed to be a city being run like a business. Would a business fire an upper level executive after making only one mistake, no matter how severe? I’ve never seen it happen.
So why this time? Maybe Righeimer needs a fall guy so his sorry record doesn’t look as sorry as it really is.
Well, Righeimer’s made a few mistakes with his business hasn’t he? And he’s still there.
In Costa Mesa with the Four Musketeers the byword is “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.” Those guys even make the Irvine City Council look good and that in itself takes an act of God.