This came in the DPOC:
“In this hour of great tragedy, we extend our prayers and deepest sympathy  to the families and friends of those who were killed in Arizona this past weekend. Our prayers and thoughts also go out to those who remain hospitalized, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
Regardless of political belief or ideology, we must be united in sending a message that our Democracy cannot survive if we condone violence or the threat of violence against those who serve in public office or against those members of the general public who participate in our Democracy.
We must commit ourselves to addressing our political differences in a civil, non-violent manner and we must condemn those, no matter what their political ideology may be, who would use violence to threaten our Democratic process.
As we grieve over this terrible event, we go forward together, resolute in the belief that violence has no place in politics, not here in Orange County or any other place in our Nation.”
Well said. I think the entire county feels the same way. Thank you for standing together on this.
Was Federal Judge John McCarthy the target and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims the cover-up targets? Was this a conspiracy?
ANSWER, – We’ll never know!
There is no evidence the Judge was a target; wrong place, wrong time. Not everything is a conspiracy Robert.
Would a self-respecting Democratic blog ban this LaRouchie commenter?
ANSWER – long ago.
Geez Vern — would a self respecting blog delete multiple posts in an attempt to scrub its past? would a self-respecting blog delete comments on a regular basis (we hear about it all the time from folks who never see their comments on OJ)? would a self-respecting blog hide behind anonymous bloggers? Nahh, that would be your blog which has no self respect.
Oh, that’s a friend of yours – the guy who just comes on to insult me or Guy Fawkes? I thought he might be. I delete his stuff if it doesn’t have anything to do with the debate, which it usually doesn’t. I can’t think of anyone else who doesn’t get their comments approved (LaRouchie cultists though .. I haven’t had to cross that bridge yet)
Say hi to your friend. I just deleted another comment of his, something about pot making Guy Fawkes’ dick small. Classy friends you got there!
wow, a friend of mine posts a comment about the size of Guy Fawkes appendage and that gets deleted, yet multiple comments not related to the post at hand that go after Chris or me are left up; so glad to know you have such high standards. Might I suggest you aply that standard to every comment that goes live on your blog and I’d give you some actual serious consideration. But since you don’t, you don’t have a lot of pull here Vern.
To be clearer – my last comment wasn’t about Robert Lauten the LaRouchie; it was a response to Dan saying the OJ “deletes comments on a regular basis.” Got that?
OJ does delete comments on a regular basis; I also love how on New Santa Ana Art deletes comments when people challenge him on his support for the Santa Ana City Council and then asks “why can’t you debate me on this?” They have; comments are being deleted. People email us to say NewSantaAna is the Fox News of Santa Ana…