The Liberal Clause


Are you a conservative Tea Party Republican in Orange County and pulled Chuck DeVore’s name for your Secret Santa gift? Perhaps you’re struggling to buy the perfect present for OC Tea Party grandfather Shawn Nelson.  Are you trying desperately to find that gift for Irvine council member Steven Choi that ties Josef Stalin to Nancy Pelosi?  Or do you long to see the twinkle in Allan Bartlett’s eye as he smiles and unwraps what will be his favorite gift this Holiday season?

The solution: the new book, The Liberal Clause, by failed Tea Party congressional candidate David W. Hedrick (CD-3 Washinigton State).

From the description of the book on it’s official website: “What would happen if liberal elves took over the North Pole and children were given the same amount of toys, whether they were naughty, or nice? What would happen if a “Liberal Clause” was interpreted into the Christmastution?” The Christmastution is a document about Christmas and the divinely inspired US Constitution of course!

In the dedication of the book, to Tea Party kids, Hedrick writes: “Never forget that free goodies from liberal elves often come at a price.”

The premise of the book is: Obama steals Christmas.

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Josef Stalin, Al Gore, Chairman Mao, Rev. Wright and a cast of others all make unflattering appearances. Perhaps Steven Choi can print the first image below and pin it to his back for the next Irvine City Council meeting.

Liberal Claus, Elf Peloosi and special guest Joseph Stalin

Rev. Blight, Liberal Claus and special guest Mao Tse Tung

The Portland Mercury has the funniest and most comprehensive review of this farce on the web. Read it here. 

Now when are we going to see a book signing for this at the Nixon Library?


  1. This drivel must have been self-published. I can’t imagine a reputable publisher putting this kind of drivel out. I only read the excerpts and was nearly bored to death.

  2. Quite honestly, the book tells the true story of what is happening today with Obama & Big Government.

    I had to order more after reading it.

  3. Sorry Dan – There will be no Liberal Clause this Christmas.

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