Cheney and Rumsfeld Tonight at the Nixon Library

As we reported a few weeks ago when Ann Coulter was in town, the bigger event coming to the Nixon Library before the end of the year happens tonight when former Vice President Dick Cheney joins former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda. The ocassion: a Richard Nixon Foundation dinner honoring Donald Rumsfeld with the Victory of Freedom Award and a nice marketing tie in with the release of Rummy’s new memoir, Known and Unknown, that comes out in January.  Cheney is there as a special guest.

For Republicans upset with the current state of America’s economy, I give you these two principals are reasons for a massive war financed on borrowed money from the Chinese that had a greater negative impact on our budget deficit that TARP or the Stimulus programs instituted by Presidents Bush and Obama in 2008-2009. 

There is a protest being planned for tonight’s event.  Wear Orange.   The protesr is sponsored by LA World Can’t Wait, OC Peace Coalition, Code Pink LA and others.  Bring signs and noises makers and try to be outside fo the Nixon Library by 5PM (It’s a 6PM reception).  Cheney and Rumsfeld’s appearance in the OC comes a week after George W. Bush sat down with Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest to pimp W’s ghost-written memoir.

All I ask: “where are the weapons of mass descrution?”

1 Comment


    Per Martin Wicksol:

    Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will be the guest of honor at a Nixon Foundation dinner tonight at the Nixon Library, where he will receive the foundation’s Victory of Freedom Award.

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who also served with George W. Bush, had been slated to attend, but has canceled.

    The foundation is honoring Rummy for being a “champion for the cause of freedom and for personifying the 37th president’s principle of enlightened national interest in foreign policy.

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