An interesting video came across my desk yesterday. Shot at the September 22 opening of the GOP campaign headquarters in San Clemente, it shows Tea Partier Mark Wyland saying that Democrats “really don’t like this country. That’s the reality.”
(fast forward to about 3:00)
Senator Wyland, at least in theory, “represents” the OC cities of San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano, as well as northern San Diego County.
I hope the voters of his district send Wyland packing in November. No one who’s anything but a radical right-winger or a knee-jerk Republican should even consider voting for him. Fortunately the alternative is a moderate Democrat, Gila Jones.
Though I’ve known Gila for a number of years, the blog hasn’t paid much attention to her race since it’s out of the central Orange County milieu we generally spend the most time on. But Gila discusses a number of interesting issues on her campaign web site and offers some thoughtful, concrete solutions for California.
Unlike Senator Wyland, it’s obvious that Gila “really does like this country,” respects the voters, and cares about our State.
This guy is a hoot. At the 2:00p mark he talks about a bill he sponsored compelling the Pledge of Allegiance be said every day in school.
With all the pressing issues of our state regarding unemployment and fiscal pressure this is how he wants the legislature to spend its time.
This guy is a looney bird.