IPSF Gala is Tonight; Is John Campbell coming?

The Irvine Public Schools Foundation Gala will take place tonight at Kia’s Headquarters in Irvine. The Gala is a fundraiser for IUSD schools and will honor some of the best and brightest graduates as IPSF raises money to offset an estimated $22 million deficit that is causing furloughs and parents like me, who value education, more money (i.e. a $45 voluntary donation per child for music, art and science).

Simply put, education is an investment.  It is not a partisan issue.  Cutting education funding and blaming teacher’s unions only serves to cut off our nose to spite our face as we educate the workforce of tomorrow.  If California and America are to remain economic powers, he need strong public schools.  And with that, the juiciest rumor of the day is that Congressman John Campbell will emerge from his hiding place to attend tonight’s gala and it’s to announce his support of Irvine’s Measure R.  Read more about Measure R here.

Many of the Irvine City Council candidates will be in attendance tonight as well.  Which means John Campbell may be in the same room with Beth Krom for the first time in recorded memory.  I have to wonder why Campbell would attend?  Here’s a congressman who has not lifted a finger for public education during his five years in office (scroll down for his votes on educational issues).  But don’t expect a debate.  Campbell will come in, shake a few hands, and duck out as quickly as possible. The only way this could be topped is if Chuck DeVore shows up; another elected representative who places his party’s priorities over that of his constituates when it came to education.  There’s a photo for you.  State Rep No and Congressman No.

So, if you’re one of our readers who comes to the event tonight and is fortunate enough that the rumor is true and you get a few moments with John Canpbell, ask him what he plans to do to help IUSD schools if he gets another term in Washington.  And then do yourself a favor and ask Beth Krom the same thing.  If you care about quality public education, your vote should be decided on tonight.

As Mayor and a member of the City Council, Krom has voted time and again to help IUSD schools. Today, the city contributes an estimated $4.6 million in funds and in-kind services to help IUSD close their budget gap.  That’s about $4 million more than other municipalities in OC.

So if you’re going, look for me and say hello. I’m hoping a lot of money is raised tonight. Because we sure don’t get our fair share from Sacramento or Washington.