Benavides Fundraiser a Success

(c) 2010,

Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides’s fundraiser last night was a success; more than 50 people attended the two hour event and the crowd reflected Santa Ana’s cultural and political diversity.

The event featured neighborgood association leaders, school board members, and even Council member Carlos Bustamante (and a number of those in attendance asked for updates on the LiberalOC’s lawsuit against Art Pedroza and the Orange Juice blog; not a single person suggested we back off).

Our thanks to Councilman Benavides for the invitation.


  1. cheminowki, i was reading your post about immigration just now and i must say it started off great it was well written and interesting and then it went all “pedroza” just like this post. whats up with that? no offense man but i think you got “pedroza on the brain” you should have that checked out you dont want to start molesting little boys.

  2. Well, Art cannot distinguish between legal and illegal immigration but if you’re against anti-illegal immigration it automatically — in his view — mkaes you a racist and a hater. It’s not that simple and not that black and white.

    As far as your molestation comment, I’m offended. I was a Cubmaster for Boy Scouts, a Little League baseball coach/manager, an AYSO soccer coach and commissioner, a Youth basketball commissioner/coach for boys and girls. So offense taken.

  3. “against anti-illegal immigration”

    Dan – Not sure about that one, but I am definitely in support of “antidisestablishmentarianism.”

  4. well cheminowski you should be offended it’s a pretty horrible thing to even suggest isnt it? or shall we say imply? or better yet, even slightly in a sort of roundabout strange way sort of kind of hint at it? yeah, i would say so. i’m glad you see that and agree.

  5. I missed the part where you admitted Art deliberately and maliciously routed my business name to NAMBLA and told me to go screw when I called him out on it. I missed the part where you admitted Art routed other domains he bought featuring names of my friends to gay porn sites. That isn’t a suggestion Jose. It’s a fact. He did those things. Deal with it.

  6. Based upon “The Logic of Sean H. Mill” Sal Tinajero believes that Logan neighborhood leader Joe Andrade is a “Hater” and anti-latino racist, simply because he supports and, sin of all sins, had his picture taken with Councilman Benavides.

    Also using that same logic, because Frank Barbaro attended Benavides’ fundraiser and supports him, by extension Frank Barbaro is a “Hater” and anti-Latino Racist thereby making Mayor Miguel Pulido a “Hater” and anti-Latino Racist because Barbaro supports Pulido, and that therefore makes Sal Tinajero a “Hater” and anti-Latino Racist because Pulido and Barbaro support him.

    Does your head hurt yet? It seems that EVERYONE IS A HATER.

  7. Didn’t I see a bunch of comments from Sean Mill on OJ last night that seem to have disappeared? How he hated Chris, not because he’s gay, but because he’s Chris? Even though the rants are all very homophobic in nature and practicely gleeful over Chris’ HIV status.

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