How would the BP disaster look here?

BP execution from Art Not OilA clever fellow from Michigan has put together an interactive web site called “If It Was My Home” where you can see what the BP oil spill would cover if it had taken place in your area.

As the page notes, “In combination with the Texas City Refinery Explosion and the Prudohoe Bay Oil Spill, this marks the third serious incident involving BP in the United States in the last five years.”

The site also contains suggestions for what you can do, a spill-tracking widget, and links to other sources of information about the disaster.

image from Art Not Oil

1 Comment

  1. Good find – but, I dont know about the map of the disastrous spill covering land?

    Regardless – it puts it into a whole new perspective how massive the spill is, & how devistating something like it would be to California.

    BP should be responsible for all related costs.

    If the TRUE COST of offshore drilling was factored it – maybe the pressure to do it would be greatly reduced or eliminated. Pressure comes from the desire to make, or keep, money.

    What a sad, sad, mess.

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