Teri Sforza over at the OC Register has an interesting follow up to the OC Watchdog Report the Register did related to an investigation of City manager compensation. While I am not particularly happy with the way some government administrators handle things, I can sympathize wtih these managers on the frustration such jobs bring. That is probably why these folks get paid as well as they do.
From Teri’s story:
Running a city is certainly not for the faint of heart. One has to hammer out labor contracts, calculate pension obligations (more on this in a minute), match up revenues with expenses, worry about streets and sewers and water pipes, and be more-than-usually-politically savvy, all at the same time.Â
Dealing with an elected city council, apparently, can nearly make one’s head explode.
There’s been a great deal of controversy lately over the city manager compensation report by Laguna Hills City Council candidate Barbara “Stir-the-Pot†Kogerman. So today, we’re going to look at things through the eyes of a city manager.
Read the complete story: City manager strikes back: YOU want this job?!