Jerry Brown Running for California Governor in 2010

Once and hopefully future California Governor Jerry Brown, presently state Attorney General, today officially joined the 2010 gubernatorial race by declaring on the internet:

“Today, I am formally announcing my candidacy for the office of Governor of California, to deal head-on with the challenges facing this state I love. I have lived in California all my life, and I believe the obstacles in our path are substantial, but not insurmountable.

“If we have a Governor who will truly commit to dealing personally with the tough choices facing our state, and who will get in the trenches side by side with legislators, we can get California working again.

“This campaign will not be easy. I will face an opponent with nearly unlimited personal resources to pour into television ads and attacks. I am counting on your support, and your hard work over the next nine months.

“I believe I have the experience, the understanding of State Government, and commitment required to move California forward. I look forward your help in this important campaign.”

[youtube][/youtube] urges that you jump in immediately to support Jerry Brown’s campaign with your time and funds. Start by signing up NOW for the campaign mailing list at, and contribute today if you can.

Jerry is correct: given likely Republican opponent Meg Whitman’s billions, and the rough political environment for Democrats in 2010, this fight will be a tough, uphill battle.

But the fate of our state and county is on the line. I say elect the ultra-experienced leader, a public servant who truly loves California, rather than a political-newbie conservative transplant from New York with a bulging bank account to buy the election.

After all, haven’t so-called “moderate” Republicans done enough damage to our state in recent years?