We have learned that someone named Tan Nguyen has pull paperwork to run for Congress in the 47th Congressional District.Matt Cunningham over at RedCounty.com is reporting that he has confirmed with the Registrar of Voters that it is the same Tan Nguyen that ran in 2006.
Qualified Date:
Candidate Statement Issued:
Candidate Statement Filed:
Sigs In Lieu Issued: 2/22/2010
Sigs In Lieu Filed:
Filing Fee Paid:
Nomination Papers Issued:
Nomination Papers Filed:
Declaration of Candidacy Issued:
Declaration of Candidacy Filed:
As you may recall, Tan Nguyen was the unsuccessful Republican challenger to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for in 2006. Nguyen is currently facing trial in federal court for misleading investigators regarding intimidating letters sent out by his campaign to Latino voters who were naturalized citizens.
We are trying to track down if this is the same person. The name Tan Nguyen is common in the Vietmanese community. We have left a message at the phone number submitted to the Registrar of Voters. When we hear back we’ll let you know if it is the same person.
We spoke with Democratic Activist Benny Diaz, who was one of the people to receive one of the letters in 2006 and he had the following to say:
“If he is the same individual that comitted the intimidation crime LULAC and the latino community will be vigilant. We will not be intimidated. Our voting rights and politcal participation in the democratic process is important. We hope he learned his lesson.”
Matt Cunningham has confirmed this is THE Tan Nguyen from 2006.
i dont care for communists like tan nguyen……this is gonna be fun.
If you voted for TAN NGUYEN your safe,if you voted for the other person,your getting just what you ask FOR………….!!!!!
Tan Should have won. the district would be in better shape, children would have a better chance and the country would be stonger.
Sanchez is an absolute failure in every aspect and she does not care about the community, only herself.
It’s funny, i bought into all of the racism hype from close minded liberals just to find out that these same people saying he was a racist communist were themselves nothing but a bunch of racist close minded socialist.
Win with Nguyen in 2010! He’s getting my vote this time around!
I like how racism against Asian-Americans is ok but racism against other groups like Blacks and Hispanics is deplorable.
“racism against Asian-Americans is ok”
It is? Says who? Where in this post or comments have you seen racism against Asian Americans?