Galloway is First Candidate to File Papers for Fourth District BoS race

Anaheim city council member Lorri Galloway officially filed papers as a candidate for the fourth district board of supervisor’s race, well ahead of the deadline.

We spoke with Lorri and there are no lingering issues with her address in Anaheim. Her fundraising continues at a healthy pace and she expects to announce a significant endorsement soon.


  1. No lingering issues, Dan?

    There are plenty of lingering issues. Including carpetbagging into a home owned by a donor of hers. Carpetbagging AND improper relationships with donors. Who does that? Lives in a house provided by someone who has donated to your campaigns and who has business regularly before the governmental body of which you are a part of?

    How will you explain this away this time? Remind readers that I’m 21? Perhaps you’ll mention my race for council in ’08. Maybe the fact that I’m a part-time employee and go to college while living with my family?
    There is no low for you, and you’ll say whatever to drown out the controversy. Your girl has serious ethical issues which are only mounting up. Let’s see if she even managed to RE-Carpetbag into the second Bill T home correctly. All this is after Anaheim City emps informed her that the First Bill T home was NOT zoned for residential purposes, after which she and Bill T proceeded to lied about it. After which she had no choice but to move. Go ahead, call the city like I did, and ask if the first property was zoned for inhabitants. Nope. Did they lie about it anyway even though it’s public information? Yep. Unethical? Yep.

  2. Steve — Lorri is a resident of the fourth district. She filed papers as a legal resident of the district. That is the requirement for running for office. It is not unethical to run for office in simple because she rents or owns property elsewhere. If that is the standard, your run for Anaheim city council would also be unethical too wouldn’t it?

    Please define “improper relationship with donors?” What constitutes a proper or improper relationship in this case. Is there a law that says she cannot legally rent from anyone she wants to? Honestly Steve, why not bring up her daughter’s employment with Eli Home or her husband being on the board, or her brother once heading up ECCO while you’re at it?

    Or, let’s play the same game. Another blog allows comments that suggests Mr. Daly is having an extramartial affair with one of his employees (which I certainly don’t believe); but Daly hasn’t denied it (and what’s to deny?). By your standard, because he hasn’t denied it, then Daly is an unethical and morally corrupt person should shouldn’t run for dogcatcher much less Supervisor.

    Get a grip Steve. She’s in the race. I have invited her to a Drinking Liberally event in March; hope you can come so I can hand her another check right in front of you just to piss you off.

    • It’s your slippery logic that warrants a grip Dan. I notice you don’t address the issue I presented, which was that both Bill T and Lorri, (Bill T through his comments here and Lorri through what you claimed that she said) have lied on this blog and stated that they were no issues revolving her first residence in the 4th. You even said something to the effect that she simply re-carpetbagged due to an over abundance of caution. Yet that is not the case, which means they lied and you parroted that lie or the three of you lied. Which is it?

    • If that is the standard, your run for Anaheim city council would also be unethical too wouldn’t it?

      Hmmm. You’re deliberately hobbling your analogy here in order to make Lorri look good. If Steve were a long-term resident of (let’s say) Placentia who moved into Anaheim just before the filing period, claiming that his Anaheim knowledge and experience was Beyond Question because his heart had always lived in Anaheim, I think that you could answer “yes”.

      why not bring up her daughter’s employment with Eli Home or her husband being on the board

      Why not, indeed? Using your charity as a make-work program for your relatives — while having other family members serve on the board that determines your/their compensation — may be legal, but it’s hardly on the list of non-profit best practices. Since the Eli Home is pretty much the only evidence that Team Galloway has to back up the claim that Galloway “gets things done”, it’s fair game to ask questions about how the Eli Home operates.

      It’s true that Galloway doesn’t have any lingering legal issues with her Anaheim address, but that doesn’t mean that the stench of her carpetbagging won’t stick around. I’m still offended that she sees my district as nothing more than a springboard-of-convenience for her political ambition, and no amount of vapid “look at my cute dog! Please vote for me for Student Council!” YouTube videos are going to change that.

  3. Gustavo – I don’t have a problem with carpetbaggers; my home state of New York has fared pretty well with them. The only time I have negatively referenced a carpetbagger candidate was Douglas Hoffman because he ran for NY23 from outside the area and had little knowledge of the district’s dependence on the federal government for the region’s economy; he was such a disaster that the major newspaper in that region – the conservative Watertown Times – endorsed a Democrat in the race.

    By your standard, Scwarzenegger is a carptebagger. G.W. Bush, born in CT, was a carpetbagger in Texas. Chuck DeVore, I believe, is from Oregon. Doe that make him a carpetbagger?

    Lorri meets the residency requirements of candidacy. As far as questions about how Eli Home operates, ask away. There’s nothing to hide and hard to argue about the benefit Eli Home provides to those who need it.

    • By your standard, Scwarzenegger is a carptebagger. G.W. Bush, born in CT, was a carpetbagger in Texas. Chuck DeVore, I believe, is from Oregon. Doe that make him a carpetbagger?

      No, again, that’s your ‘standard’, thrown out as chaff to make Galloway look good. Their merits aside, all of those men had lived in their respective states/districts for quite some time before running for office. Had Schwarzenegger/Bush/DeVore moved in just before the filing period and then used bogus arguments to claim affinity (‘my heart has always lived here’, ‘I have relatives here’, ‘I drive through here on my way to work every day’, etc.), then sure, they’d be carpetbaggers on the level of Lorri Galloway.

      • She meets the legal requirement to run in the district. There is no law against carpetbagging. Frankly, if carpetbagging is the worst thing you can throw at Galloway, she’s got a strong case to run.

        And again, Hillary Clinton moved to New York State to run for Senate. She represented the state very effectively as a senator and was re-elected. Elizabeth Dole did the same thing Linda Ackerman tried to do; move back to her home state to get elected as senator in North Carolina. But she didn’t represent her state very well and was defeated after a single term in office.

        I have no problem with candidates who move to a district to run as long as they effectively represent the interests of the people in that district.

        • Frankly, if carpetbagging is the worst thing you can throw at Galloway, she’s got a strong case to run.

          But it’s just the beginning! Again, let’s look at three of the issues where Galloway has really put herself out front as a politician:

          1) SunCal. Lorri Galloway really bent over backwards for the developer SunCal, doing them an incredible number of favors (for reasons that have never been entirely clear) in an effort to move their Resort-area project forward. Time has not been kind to Lorri’s judgement, as SunCal projects across the state have since gone into bankruptcy, leaving cities with half-built lots and cleanup bills.

          2) Affordable Housing. This is Galloway’s cause célèbre — but what has she actually accomplished here, besides providing a reliable vote to rubber stamp staff-produced reports and approve RDA-engineered projects? Any other chairwarmer in her place could have done the same. Even worse, she’s actively voted against affordable housing in the Platinum Triangle. (And I’m still waiting for someone to provide an example of Galloway advocating for affordable housing in Anaheim Hills.)

          3) UNITE HERE. It’s clear what showing up to Disney hotel workers’ protests has done for Lorri, providing her with a steady stream of photo opportunities and union cash/endorsements, but remind me what Galloway’s involving herself in the process has actually done for the workers themselves?

          Supposedly Galloway knows how to get things done, but when I look behind the rhetoric to try and see what she’s accomplished on her big issues, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of there there.

          As far as Galloway’s representing the people in this district, her actions have made it abundantly clear that if you don’t fit into one of her client groups — affordable-housing recipients, Eli Home clients, union workers — you don’t matter very much to her. Seeing how little she’s done for the groups that she professes to care the most about, how well is she going to represent the rest of us?

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