OC Tet participants embrace diversity, in spite of Andy Quach and his religious police

LGBT Tet Celebration Participation 2010 Photo by: Hao-Nhien Vu

The days leading up to Saturday’s Tet Parade in Westminster were sprinkled with hate, bigotry, and out right lies spread by a few ignorant religious leaders and led by a member of the Westminster City Council, Andy Quach. In a desperate effort to repair his tattered drunken-bad-boy image, Quach whipped up outrage on the part of a small band of bigoted religious leaders to threaten boycotts of the parade he chaired. All this because “The Commies Gays are Coming, The Commies Gays are Coming to march in a parade.”

In a letter to the community Quach wrote:

Personally, I oppose the participation of this group in a traditionally joyous cultural celebration of the Vietnamese people.

However, as an elected official of the City of Westminster, I cannot discriminate any group or individual for political, religious, sexual orientation, or personal reasons.  These are limitations in the law that all of us must accept.

Bluntly, if he could discriminate he would.

Andy “Smiley” Quach

What Quach has failed to learn about his responsibilities as a public official is that he must as an elected representative for all the people of Westminster, acknowledge the positive contributions of all persons and groups in the community he represents. As a person who, as a child, fled the oppression and discrimination imposed upon all who disagreed with the Communist leadership of Vietnam, you would think Andy would have a different perspective.

Sadly that is not the case.

It would be nice if Andy Quach would serve his DUI sentence by cleaning up garbage, rather than continuing to spread it around.

Thankfully, the Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese communities who have joined together this weekend to celebrate the Lunar New Year understand the meaning of the celebrations, and the importance of embracing the diversity of their communities.

Check out the following stories on The Bolsavik and OCWeekly.

Bolsavik also awards Andy “Smiley” Quach the “Best” Parade Car.

Quach Tet Parade Float Photo: Hao-Nhien Vu

On February 11th, Quach was quoted, in an OCRegister article about the outrage of community religious leaders, expressing his support for their position saying:

“But if they display any extreme or outrageous material not suited for children, then we as the city may have some discretion there.”

How does the trunk of his parade float fit into that category? Typical opportunist and political hypocrite.


  1. Thank God we have leaders like Andy Quach who have raised the moral bar very high in the name of protecting our children. I am quite sure the women depicted on Andy’s award winning car reflect his high standards for decency and honor for “joyous cultural celebration.” The people of Westminster must be very proud of Andy Quach’s vigilant protection of its “All American City” status. Happy New Year to Andy and all of the Van Crew. You continue to make those of us in the Democratic Party thankful you are not one of us.

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