Rachel Maddow on GOP Hypocrisy on Stimulus


It’s easy to trigger multiple comments on my Facebook page and my friends list; simply post something positive about President Obama and the Stimulus package or post something negative about TeaPartiers.  Then site back and watch the comments fly, especially from old high school chums from New York.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow goes one better.  Documented hypocrisy from Republican lawmakers who rail against the stimulus while promoting to local voters how muhc bacon they bring back to their district.

Absent from the list if Rep. John Campbell, who refused to bring a single federal dollar back to CD-48, instead relying on the charity of friends in Congress to fund some projects here and heaping the burden on the backs of state, county and local city budgets also reeling from the Bush recession.

(photo credit to:Ihatethemedia.com)


  1. I wish Michael Moore would make a documentary showing the actual hypocrisy of these fools. Just show them trashing the stimulus and then taking part in ribbon-cutting ceremonies and praising the funds sent to their own districts.

  2. Rachel, please post these hipocrites on youtube. I believe that if
    you show them,as you did on your show,that they have two positions on the stimulus plan the american public will be able to see that the Republican Party cares about winning elections and not about

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