Red County Equates Democrats with Nazis

Congratulations Chip Hanlon and the team at Red County for a hardy-har-har redubbing of a scene from a 2004 German-Austrian drama film, “Downfall,” depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler’s life in his Berlin bunker and Nazi Germany in 1945 (thanks reader sfor the correction) with dialog between Adolf Hitler and his military leadership lamenting the win of Scott Brown to the US Senate seat from Massachusetts. It’s a featured video on; see it here:

Stay classy wingnuts.

I love humor and actually enjoy many of the jokes my conservative friends send me on Facebook and via email as I send some right back.  Let’s draw the line at Nazis please. 

First, Irvine council member Steven Choi walks around with a poster of Nancy Pelosi as Stalin on his back and then Red County, one of the top conservative blogs in the country, equates Democrats with Hitler.   If you’re Jewish and Republican (Adam Probolsky/Jon Fleishman) you ought to renounce this.  If you’re gay and Republican, you ought to renounce this.  If you’re a Republican with a family, heart, soul or conscience, you ought to renounce this.

Can’t we debate issues that matter to this country without turning opponents into Nazis or Communists? 

Chip, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing this to be posted to your site.


  1. Sorry, but the clip is actually from a 2004 German-Austrian drama film, Downfall, depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler’s life in his Berlin bunker and Nazi Germany in 1945. Inglorius Basterds is a great film too.

  2. Either you are trying to read too much into this or you haven’t seen any other parodies from that same clip.

    My favorite was Hitler responding to Michale Jackson’s death. Hitler’s response to USC’s loss against Oregon was pretty good too.

  3. Hitler and Stalin were not comedians and for the right wing idiots in this county to use them as such speaks volumes about their moral character.

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