In another chapter of “Conservative Republican candidates with Attention to Detail Deficit Disorder (ADDD),” conservative candidate for AD-70 Jerry Amante has a new brochure out touting his candidacy with a list of prominent endorsements. And guess who’s on the list? None other than disgraced and resigned former AD-72 assembly “Open” Mike Duvall (aka “Drippy”).
Here’s the brochure from Jerry’s website; double click the link below when Jerry scrubs the site to get rid of the Duvall link.
I have to wonder if Jerry’s called Mike Carona for an endorsement? So alledgely cheating on your wife with a lobbyist and bragging about it to a fellow Republican on the Ethics committee (yes, Jeff Miller is listed as an endorser too) is a conservative pro-taxpayer family value that Jerry wants to promote? Hey Jerry, how about a bumper sticker that says “Run Jerry Run.” Conservatives can put it on the back bumper and Progressives can put it on the front bumper.
What a ding dong fire the bloke who jacked you ha ha…
It’s almost as funny as Incumbent Senator Martha Coakley misspelling Massachusetts in an ad running against Senator Scott Brown in the special election to replace Senator Ted Kennedy’s vacant seat.
Call Mike Carona? Haha. That’s almost like former LT. Bill Hunt of the OCSD, and current candidate for OC Sheriff, getting an endorsement from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Arpaio is facing a federal grand jury indictment for allegations of abuse of power and discrimination. Who wants that on their website! lol