The Senate has wrapped up their portion of the work related to the Budget bills. They have adjourned for the the morning (night). The budget mop is sliding slowly across the Assembly Floor, pushing the dirt around but not really picking anything up. The last tweet from the floor that I saw sets the tone:
KQED_CapNotes Bad sign? RT @kyamamuraBass: “We’re going to be here for a while.” Doesn’t want to comment on Senate adjourning early. #cabudget
We will forward Tweets on the #cabudget through our Twitter Feed throughout the day as things develop.

One thing is for certain, no one is really happy about the resulting solutions. The Republicans are simply smug. They’ve managed to get an all cuts budget and many of these people can go back to their district and say they didn’t vote for it.
Make no mistake here, this is a MINORITY budget, forced upon the MAJORITY of Californians by a few “Garden Gnomes” content to sit and watch the Golden State whither away. Of Course, since the majority of these gnomes voted against the budget, they can cry how bad and unfair the cuts to local governments are even though their intransegence is why the cuts have occurred in the first place.