Congressman Campbell — Please Produce Your Birth Certificate; Prove you meet the Legal Requirement to be a Congressman

The Constitution specifically lists the qualifications necessary to become a member of the House or Senate. A representative must be at least 25 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for seven years, and be a resident of the state (although not necessarily the district) from which he or she is chosen (Article 1, Section 2). A senator must be at least 30 years old, have been a citizen for nine years, and be a resident of his or her state (Article 1, Section 3).

(Campbell is second from the right; Citizen? As far as we know)

If Congressman Campbell wants to play to the wingnut birthers, let’s play. 

Congressman, please produce an original copy of your birth certificate to prove you are a U.S. Citizen.  Remember, a driver’s license, passport or a 1040 form just aren’t going to cut it.  We demand you produce the original document your parents got when you were born. Otherwise, its a fraud.  And even if you do produce it, maybe your doctors lied.  Or the local government official was bribed. 

Can’t produce it?  Resign.  You’re not eligible to be a Congressman.  Did anyone ever check your qualifications to make sure you met the legal requirements to be a Congressman? I’m guessing no.  Put up or shut up. Let’s see the goods.


  1. Great post Dan. I don’t know what Campbell was thinking—its what happens when you let the fringe of your party drive the agenda.

  2. My friends in Boston have been breaking my chops about Campbell for a couple of days. They want to know where that rest stop is for those “dollar tug jobs” Campbell is alledged to give per Jon Stewart….

    I am telling my friends to cut checks to Beth Krom for Congress instead.

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