On Friday, Dena Bunis of the Orange County Register wrote about the divisions between lawmakers in congress over healthcare reform legislation Health reform divides lawmakers.

From the story:
On the one hand Republicans and Democrats are worlds apart on this issue, which is to be expected. But there’s also a fissure among Democrats, one that Orange County Rep. Loretta Sanchez is in the middle of.
Sanchez is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate to conservative Democrats who look at issues mainly through a financial prism.
“We’re worried about the price tag on this thing,” Sanchez told me the other day after the Blue Dogs met with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Sanchez’s staff has been talking regularly to a health care task force they organized to get opinions on health reform from her district. Sanchez’s central Orange County District is likely the one with the most uninsured people and she has been hearing loud and clear from those constituents that something has to be done. Even though premiums are increasing, people with insurance are finding it’s not enough to cover their health care costs.
Sanchez says the folks who work with those getting Cal Optima – a plan for low income patients – and those who work with the uninsured have told her they believe a public option has to be part of any reform.
Sanchez made it clear in an interview with MSNBC that she supports a Public Option being included as part of healthcare reform legislation.
Anaheim General Hospital is scheduled to loose its Medicare and Medi-Cal reimbursement on July 21. (OC Register July 11). Closing hospitals looks like Obama’s Nazi Health Plan to me. http://www.LaRouchePAC.com