Be careful what you wish for: Liberal OC really has nothing to say about the picture on the left, but it was too precious not to share. If you dare, watch Rachel Maddow and Anna Marie Cox dip into the subject on a “Conservatives Go Teabagging” clip.
Prop 187 is back: “Despite the fact that earlier efforts in 2006 to ride anti-immigrant sentiment to victory failed spectacularly for Republicans, and despite the massive political price they paid after 1994 for backing Prop 187, they are at it again.”
Glenn Beck goes off the deep end, taking the Governor of Texas with him: “And that, in a nutshell, helps explain what’s gone terribly wrong with conservative Republicans of late. Beck appears to be in desperate need of medication, and the chief executive of one of the nation’s largest states is ‘proud’ to appear on the show, just moments after Beck pretended to set a colleague on fire.”
Everything you always wanted to know about TARP but don’t have time to read: The Congressional Oversight Panel releases “Assessing Treasury’s Strategy: Six Months of TARP.”
Environmentalists stop high-speed car chase: If the 241 toll road had been extended past its current terminus at Oso Parkway, this woman might have made it all the way to the Mexican border.
An offer you can just barely pass up: Donate to Hillary’s debt retirement and win a trip to see the finale of American Idol. (To be fair, a day with former President Clinton and a DC tour with Paul Begala and James Carville are also among the prizes.)
Glenn Beck did that knowing that he would get a whole lot of FREE publicity in bogs like this. Lots cheaper then advertising. Next time, Dan, don’t be such an easy mark for these corny-servative clowns! IGNORE THEM!!!