During our coverage of the President’s Town Hall Meeting, I posted about Orange County CEO Tom Mauk reportedly trying to cut in line to get in to see the President. Our Managing Editor Dan Chmielewski chronicled what he witnessed a little later.
I wanted everyone to know what I saw while waiting in line. I arrived at the Fairgrounds about 1:30; after an hour, my group made it to the area where volunteers asked for tickets and IDs and separated us in two separate lines. Tom Mauk showed up with a small group of people and sought out a volunteer. There were still a few hundred people behind me.
Then, people in the crowd started shouting, “back of the line Mr. Mauk, back of the line.” Enough people started shouting the same thing that the volunteer pointed Mauk to the back of the line and walked away. Mauk and his group then went to the back of the line. I snapped a few photos, but wish my videocam was ready.
But I know what I saw and I know what it looked like.
But someone saved him a seat inside.
Two things:
1. There was clearly a long line and long wait by the time Mauk & Co got there.
2. He did appear to ask where he should go, though others going clearly understood to go to the end of the line without having to ask anyone.
Only elected officials were ushered in ahead of anyone else.
Another witness to the episode reported to me that Mauk tried to assert that he was the CEO of the County and that by that virtue he should be let in ahead of everyone else. The staff member allegedly told Mauk, “that’s nice, but it doesn’t make you more important than the rest of these people.”
I think someone forgot to tell Mauk that the Fairgrounds is not a County Park under his control.
Shortly after I first posted the initial report, Total Buzz picked up on it and the comments are flying over there.
lostinspace Says:
March 18th, 2009 at 6:50 pmTom Mauk continues to be a walking billboard for the arrogance and entitlement mentality that has brought us the AIGs of the world. His “do you know who I am?†character may play well in Vegas, or with his similarly ego-driven pal John Moorlach, but the other 95% of us think it reeks of classist pomposity. If he wanted to be first in line he should have got his big rear end into his taxpayer-funded Escalade last night, driven to the fairgrounds using his taxpayer-funded gas, and camped out with the other folks who understood and played by the rules – a concept to which he remains completely oblivious. Maybe he would have encountered a few regular County residents and learned about the legitimate struggles they are enduring thanks to the selfishness and recklessness of him and those he emulates. Executive perks, continuous pointless bluster, two parking spaces, thin skin, and now cutting in line – when will the BOS wake up and dump the albatross Mauk has so obviously become around each of their necks.
Zbeard Says:
March 18th, 2009 at 7:36 pmWell Maulk? Not so Mr Important now eh? What? They made you go back to the end of the line with all the common people? The ones you feel you are so far above? GOOD!
You are arrogant and think you are so much better than anyone else. I wish you and those BoS would all go to the end of the line and stay there!
super sailor Says:
March 18th, 2009 at 8:23 pmWhat a great example of how Mauk is untouched by the real world. People get laid off in the worse economy in 20 years, not a problem. Management perks while others suffer, not a problem. Two parking spaces for his county paid for parking vehicle, not a problem. Told to go to the back of the line, priceless.

If you are as outraged at this clearly unprofessional conduct as I am, please comment here, comment on Total Buzz, comment everywhere. It is time for the Board to reign in this guy. He is proving to be an embarrassment to us all. It is time for the era of “Executive Royalty” to come to an end.
Mauk’s behavior was pathetic. I saw Santa Ana’s City Council members waiting patiently in line behind me, without complaint. I see no reason why Mauk should have been any different.
This is the same man who wants free lunches, two parking spots, a $765 a month car allowance, massive perks and being catered to, while the county lays off workers and makes front line workers take furloughs?
Self entitled, arrogant, selfish, obnoxious and clueless all describe this creep. Fire him, now! The BoS should be ashamed of how he reflects on the county.
Maybe Tommy was worried he might be standing in line with some of the workers he’s jerked around? I know a few who would be hard pressed not to give him a well deserved kick in his fat behind.