New Poll: Americans Trust Obama, Democrats to lead Nation out of Recession

Read it here.  A new poll from NBC and the Wall Street Journal shows broad support for the president’s agenda and the Democrat’s ability to execute.

From the story:

President Barack Obama enjoys widespread backing from a frightened American public for his ambitious, front-loaded agenda, a new poll indicates.

He is more popular than ever, Americans are hopeful about his leadership, and opposition Republicans are getting drubbed in public opinion…..

The poll found a sharp jump in the proportion of Americans who say the nation is “generally headed in the right direction” since Mr. Obama’s January inauguration, a period when economic indicators and financial markets have suggested the opposite. The survey shows that 41% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction, up dramatically from 26% in mid-January, before Mr. Obama took office, and up from 12% before the election.

The number who say the country is on the “wrong track” is still higher at 44%, but given the economic conditions, pollsters expected it to be much higher.