Disability Service Cuts – Get Heard!

California Dept of Developmental Services Public Forum

This forum is to receive input from consumers, family members, service provides and other stakeholders on possible cost containment strategies, including but not limited to those identified in Controlling Regional Center Costs Report which is available at


Monday, March 2 from 1-4 PM at the Ronald Reagan State Office Building Auditorium, 300 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 

If  you can’t make it but want to participate, call in at 800-230-1074.

Send written comments to Sarah Steenhausen at sarah.steenhausen@dds.ca.gov, 916-654-1989

Sacrifice Perks Not Seniors/Chop at the Top Tuesday Mar 3 from 8:30am – 12:30 pm at Hall of Administration, 333 W Santa Ana Blvd.    Which is a better use for $765/month – a car for some one who can well afford their own car or food, rent, and medicine for an elderly person?  The Supervisors are meeting that day, so stick around and talk at the public comment of the meeting and let them know how they are wasting your money!  

Call them or drop them a line:  


Pat Bates 714-834-3550  PatBates@ocgov.com

Janet Nguyen 714-834-3110

John Moorlach 714-834-3220  district2@ocgov.com

Bill Campbell 714-834-3330  Bill.Campbell@ocgov.com

Chris Norby 714-834-3440   Chris.Norby@ocgov.com

Hey, maybe you’ll get a free tour of their newly remodeled offices!  Let us know what you think of the new tile – I hear Moorlach picked it out himself!