OCLF picks Anaheim Native as their New Political Director

julio-perezI saw on the facebook, that my friend, Julio Perez (no relation) has been selected as OCLF’s  new Political Director. Julio has an exemplary education and sports degrees from both UCI and U of M. He does not shy away from what he believes is right, and has proved that he is willing to put his money where his mouth is. He is a great advocate for Anaheim’s working class, and I applaud his appointment. I attached the press release announcing his appointment below.


Dear Labor Friends,

We are very excited to introduce Julio Perez as the new Political Director
at the Orange County Labor Federation!

Julio is an Orange County native, having been raised in the low-income
immigrant neighborhood situated literally ‘on the other side of the
wall’ from Disneyland. He received a BA in International Studies from UC
Irvine and continued his education, obtaining a Masters in Public Policy
from the University of Michigan.

Julio began his career in labor as a Policy Analyst with the Los Angeles
Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE), and helped win organizing campaigns,
worker-friendly policies and healthcare initiatives. He continued this
work throughout his career working with SOL (Strengthening Our Lives)-PAC,
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD)
and more recently with SEIU-UHW West.

Rick Eiden, President of the Orange County Labor Federation said “The Orange County Labor Federation has been tirelessly working to improve the lives of working men and women
in Orange County. Julio’s policy, research and organizing experiences will contribute
immensely to our efforts of growing our labor movement in Orange County.”

Please, join us in welcoming Julio Perez, during our delegates meeting this
Thursday February 26th at 6 pm in IBEW Local 411 Union Hall 309 N. Rampart
Suite M, in the city of Orange. Or feel free to contact him at
julio@oclabor.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or 714-385-1534.

Tefere Gebre
Executive Director