Even though House and Senate Republicans have done little to help the president, the American people seem pretty happy with President Obama’s performance in his first 30 days in office. This Washington Post story shows nearly 7 of 10 Americans approve of the job the president is doing and believe he will right the ship before the end of his first term in office.
From the story:Â “Although Obama has encountered near-unanimous GOP opposition to his stimulus plan in Congress and widespread criticism for a housing bailout plan that some say rewards people who have been fiscally irresponsible, 64 percent of those polled back the economic recovery package, and the same percentage support the mortgage proposal. The broad support for the recovery package comes as just 10 percent said the bill was too heavy on spending and too light on tax cuts, the primary contention of the Republican leadership in Congress.
Overall, 60 percent of poll respondents approve of how Obama is dealing with the economy.
About nine in 10 Democrats and seven in 10 independents said Obama is living up to the central promise of his campaign: bringing change to Washington. Most Republicans said he is not.”
I guess it depends on who you ask…
Gallup is releasing it’s latest weekly tracking poll on job approval for Obama.
Time periods of the 3 day rolling poll are Feb 18-20, and Feb 21-23.
Democrat Approval has dropped 3%, right at the margin of error. (From 89% to 86%) Democrat Disapproval has increased 3%, right at the margin of error (From 3% to 6%) Democrats saying “Dunno” increased 1%, under the margin of error (From 8% to 9%)
Independent Approval has dropped 8% (From 62% to 54%) Independent Disapproval has increased 3%, right at margin of error (From 20% to 23%) Indies saying “Dunno” increased 5%, (From 18%-23%)
Republican Approval stayed the same at 27% Republican Disapproval dropped 5%, (From 61% to 56%) Republicans saying “Dunno” increased 6% (From 12% to 18%)- Note: Gallup mislabels this as a 4% increase in their release.