The Party of No

The Contra Costa Times nails it with this story in this morning’s paper. But they were frankly too timid in the headline.  The California Republican Party IS the Party of NO.  No Ifs, ands, or buts about it.

But you have to love this quote:

“Their ideology has taken them to a point where they are no longer capable of compromise,” said Larry Gerston, a political science professor at San Jose State. “They’re marginalizing themselves. They lost three seats in the Assembly, so you would think that would’ve been a lesson. Nationally, their party is tattered. Increasingly, people will hold Republicans accountable for holding up the state at political gunpoint.”


  1. The Republicans are the only ones caring about working families (those who are opposing the tax increases anyway).

    Democrats only seem to care about government workers and union bosses.

  2. Clearly there is a fume leak in the Get Real household.

    Even the GOP God St. Ronald Reagan raised taxes when faced with the same issues being faced today.

    “No New Taxes” pledges are demanded of GOP candidates by folks like Grover Norquist and Jon Coupal. Folks who have no responsibility to the governed. Only ideology.

    The ghosts of Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln are turning over in their graves at what has become of their party.

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