More than one month ago Orange County executive managers, lead by CEO Tom Mauk, announced that more than 200 workers in the Social Services Agency (SSA) would be laid off because of budget shortfalls. On Monday, the layoff notifications went out. Among those notified was the wife of SSA employee Aaron Phelps. Aaron is currently on active duty in Iraq.
In spite of the fact that it against the law to layoff reservists called to active duty, the keystone cops at the Social Services Agency decided to issue their layoff notice anyway.
Aaron’s wife Jennifer put it this way; “while Aaron is watching his frontline in Iraq, here in the County we’ve shot him in the back.”
After being hammered all day about the story (KCAL 9 Video Report), CEO Tom Mauk ordered Aaron Phelps layoff be rescinded. Mauk told the Register, “No active veteran is subject to layoff, period,â€Mauk said after he called the human resources department and rescinded the action. “We have a higher duty ethically and morally to those who are fighting to defend our country, and we will retain their positions,†Mauk added.
You would think that after more than a month of planning, Mauk and his henchmen would have figured out that they couldn’t layoff a reservist on active duty. The Orange County Register has more on the story here and a video report below.
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It\’s encouraging to see coverage of the county employees\’ plight being covered by the LA tv media. Good job by OCEA in getting the word out and getting results.
I don\’t understand why the general public here isn’t as aware of what\’s going on…and up in arms aginst these execs who keep their perks while laying off folks who work in the trenches. It’s a damn shame.