Live blogging Election Night NOW.
Andrew and Chris are in Las Vegas, Dan Chmielewski in Irvine, Bill Spaulding is Costa Mesa at the Democratic Party Celebration at Sutra Lounge. We’ll be bringing you live coverage and commentary over the course of the evening.
McCain’s “path to victory” looking grim.
Pensylvania Ohio and Pensylvania have been caled for Obama.
If there is anyone reading this blog who wonders if they should vote, get your butt to the polls!
Looks like a sweep of the north east for Obama. CNN has projected Pennsylvania for Obama.
DPOC has done up Sutra Lounge quite nicely. Red, white and blue all over the outside. There’s even a searchlight. Looks like a real political party, no pun intended. By the time I arrived, early, to set up in the “blogger’s lounge,” Ohio and New Mexico had been called for Obama. He stands at 200 Electoral votes. If he gets California, Washington and Hawaii, he’s at 270. Still, there’s an hour to go before California closes, so I don’t get to exhale just yet.
All the news organizations called it a win for Barack Obama right at 8 pm.
Local early results from Vote By Mail and Early voting show some interesting trends. First in the Coast Community College District Lorraine Prinsky is leading incumbent Armando Ruiz.
In Garden Grove, Steve Jones and Andrew Do hold the two spots for City Council with Robin Marcario following close third.
In Santa Ana Mayor Pulido is way ahead of Michelle Martinez. In Ward 3 Carlos Busty Bustamante is leading followed by Steve Rocco and then Art Pedroza.
In Fullerton Sharon Quirk is leading followed by Shawn Nelson and Dick Jones. Watch tis though, Karen Haluza is doing well in 4th place in VBM and her strength should be greater at the polls.
I will leave the details of Irvine to Dan C., but it looks like the Kang, Krom,Agran Majority will remain in tact.
In Westminster, it looks depressing for Van Tran’s staffer Troung Diep. he is trailing in his bid for City Council behind Penny Loomer.
Oh and I forgot Trung “Mr. Photoshop” Tran in Garden Grove, he’s trailing Linh Ho. Trung, your Master Van Tran is not going to be happy with you. As we all know, it’s not good to disappoint Emperor “Boss Tweed” Tran.
KCAL showed a live shot of the Republicans in Irvine for a somber party; they reported the OC GOP shut off the TVT. No one heard Obama’s speech. Buncha losers.
DPOC at Sutra is a madhouse. Seems my responsibility is split. I’m supposed to do live blogging for us, and DPOC wants me to provide results updates to candidates and other interested people. It’s been crazy. Every time I start to write something, people ask questions about results. By the time I get back to the blog, everything’s changed and what I intended to write is stale. Bummer.
Memphis had a cool vibe tonight!