This I pledge…..

I know we still have 10 days to go and we’re not letting up, but once Senator Barack Obama becomes President Barack Obama, I pledge the following things:

  • To leave my Obama/Biden bumper sticker on my car until 2011.
  • To blame any terrorist attack in Obama’s first term on President Bush
  • To constantly refer to Obama having “inheireted the Bush recession.”
  • To declare MSNBC as the “Fair and Balanced” Network
  • To question the Patriotism of anyone who disagrees with President Obama’s policies
  • Start taking bets on when Bill O’Reilly finally has that aneuryism (hint: immediately after Al Franken is sworn in as a U.S. Senator)
  • To refute right wing arguments from Matt Cunningham as “straw men,” “red herrings” and “fever swamps.”
  • To enjoy the final years of termed out elected officials like Chuck DeVore, Christina Shea, and Steven Choi (assuming Choi only snags the 2 year council term).
  • To not get too comfortable and keep working to elect great people; great Democrats to office and watch our Red County turn Blue.


  1. You forgot… Not to whine at tax time when I see all Bush’s tax credits/cuts disappear on my tax returns.

  2. I didn’t whine when I paid higher taxes under Clinton and I won’t when I pay higher taxes under Obama; someone has to pay for all the irresponsible spending done by theBush Administration.

  3. I have a feeling many of the people voting for Obama will not get their taxes raised. I know I won’t. Not even close.

    And anyone who thinks that $250,000 is middle class needs a reality check. I know that Southern California is expensive but that’s rich to many of us here.

    I’m tired of hearing people whine about taxes when it’s taxes that help pay for the common good. That means it helps everyone, not just a few.

  4. LOL.

    I’ll lay down a $100 bet with any fool who thinks the Dems are going to stop the tax hikes at $250K.

    Heck, I’m still waiting for that middle class tax cut Bill Clinton promised in 1992!

  5. You are on Matthew. (What the hell, maybe I’ll lose, but I’ll be happy anyway with President Barack, Congresswoman Debbie and Prop 8 defeated.)

    The rest of you are witnesses. What year do we call this?

  6. Hey Matt. Are you one of those who still believes the GOP
    stands for smaller government?

    BTW. Deficits are nothing more than taxation deferred. Bush lowered
    the rate of taxation, he didn’t lower taxes. Clinton submitted balanced
    budgets. Given the borrow and spend policies of the Reagan and Bush the
    smarter years, Clinton did lower taxes. You just don’t realize how
    since you submit to an economic policy that is image over substance.

  7. Heck, I’m still waiting for that middle class tax cut Bill Clinton promised in 1992!

    Ya, good point. We wouldn’t want to go back to that economy.

    All those jobs created, balanced budgets, and surpluses.

    It was a horrible time I tell ya, horrible.

  8. Hey Matt. Are you one of those who still believes the GOP stands for smaller government?

    Yes, I do. When the GOP Congress grew the government, it was hypocrisy. When the Democratic Congress grows government, they’re just putting their beliefs into practice.

    The GOP failure to reduce government doesn’t add up to Democratic virtue. Sorry.

    Ya, good point. We wouldn’t want to go back to that economy.

    All those jobs created, balanced budgets, and surpluses.

    Good thing old Bill had a GOP Congress for six of his eight years, to keep him from continuing to self-destruct.

    Bush lowered the rate of taxation, he didn’t lower taxes.

    I’ll be sure to convey that to Americans who’s taxes go up next year — “Hey guys, Obama isn’t really raising your taxes! He’s just catching up on past deficit spending! Doesn’t that make you feel better?”

  9. No time limit, Vern. Barack didn\’t put an expiration date on his promise. If he wins (as is likely) and tax hikes reach below $250K, you owe me $100 and Obama will prove once again he is a soft-spined liar.

  10. Good thing old Bill had a GOP Congress for six of his eight years, to keep him from continuing to self-destruct.
    Really?? What happened to that GOP Congress. Given their track record
    subsequent to Clinton’s leaving office I have to say it wasn’t them
    who kept things on track.

    I’ll be sure to convey that to Americans who’s taxes go up next year — “Hey guys, Obama isn’t really raising your taxes! He’s just catching up on past deficit spending! Doesn’t that make you feel better?”
    Which is precisely is what is going to be needed. Bush flattened out
    the national credit card like no other. The bill is coming due.

    That is why borrowing is taxation deferred. Milton Friedman once
    stated the true cost of taxation was the size of the Federal budget.
    It’s either big taxes now or bigger taxes later. Guess what? Thanks to
    Bush and the fiscal conservatives in Congress it’s going to be big taxes
    later. Hope you enjoyed those Bush era tax cuts. It was whistling
    past the graveyard.

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