Conbine us with DTS voters, and the Red County isn’t as Red as it used to be. Congratulations to Frank and Melhat and Lindsay for surpassing voter registration goals of 500,000.
Democrats in Orange County Surpass Registration Goal!
Santa Ana, CA – October 20, 2008
2008 seems to be the year for things once thought impossible to become real — like when the Democratic Party of Orange County announced a goal of reaching 500,000 registered Democrats in Orange County before the 2008 election. Today, the Registrar of Voters of the County of Orange released the latest registration counts and there are 503,847 registered Democrats in Orange County. And there are still many people filling out their forms for the midnight deadline
“History is being made this year in so many ways, and we’re all excited to be part of that promise”, said DPOC Chair Frank Barbaro. He continued, “Democrats in Orange County are a force to be reckoned with. We have more Democrats in Orange County than in over 20 states in the Union. Today, we’ve shown that Orange County is most certainly competitive and seriously closing the gap between Democratic and Republican registration.”
Over the past 20 months, Democrats have registered 52,102 new Democrats while the Republicans have lost 6,172 registrants. During this period, over 60% of new registrations have been for the Democratic Party, running well ahead of the national trend. Democrats have increased their registration while the Republicans have fallen below 45%. At the same time, Decline-to-State registrants have increased to 312,276, accounting for 19.7% of the county’s voting population.
DPOC Executive Director Melahat Rafiei attributes the increase to the hard working local activists. “We couldn’t have reached this goal without the dedication of activists throughout the county. This historic success is something that Democrats can celebrate in our county, state and nation. And you can ask any of our amazing volunteers and they’ll tell you the same thing-we’re just getting started!” Ms. Rafiei said that tonight’s registration deadline will shift the Democratic Party’s efforts to get every Democrat and like-minded voter to the polls on November 4.
The DPOC headquarters is located at 200 N. Main Street, Mezzanine Level, Santa Ana.
Yay Melahat! Sometimes we bicker, but she is a priceless asset.