Over on Total Buzz Norberto Santana has the scoop on the response from the Orange County Employee’s Association and State Senator Lou Correa to the County Board of Supervisors failure to even consider actng to provide emergency funding to support a batterd women’s shelter.
Battle over Fullerton battered womens’ shelter rages on…
September 24th, 2008, 5:59 pm · posted by NORBERTO SANTANA JR.
The pleas for help from the Fullerton-based Womens Transitional Living Center – which houses battered women and children as well as victims of human trafficking – have apparently fallen on active ears, with the county’s employee union and State Senator Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, stepping up to host a fundraiser on Monday for the group.
Also, Supervisor Bill Campbell just told me that the Orange Community Foundation today stepped up with a $120,000 grant to help the group.
I wrote about the group yesterday when they approached the Board of Supervisors asking for some sort of help because the Sacramento budget mess had shorted them more than $300,000 and the group was struggling to survive.
Click Here to read the rest of Norberto’s story on Total Buzz. Below is the announcement of the Fundraiser for the shelter scheduled for Monday at OCEA.
The Board of Supervisors (minus Supervisor Norby) and Chairman Moorlach in particular should be ashamed of themselves. At what point can politcal bickering be put aside for the greater good? If the Woman’s Shelter was a for profit orginization run by some politcal cronies or if the clients or employees somehow had a vested pension system that could be converted to 401Ks controlled by Lincoln Club members then I’m sure they would have had a different response. Thank you to Supervisor Norby, Senator Correa and OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino for their ability to see through the political haze and are taking action to help these battered women and children.
I am appalled at the thunderous silence of Supervisor pat bates. but not surprised by the enlightening silence of Supervisor Janet Nguyen.